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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Executive Vice Chairman, National eGovernment Strategies (NeGSt), Dr Olu Agunloye, said, yester-day, the Vision 2020 could be realised if electricity generation increased to 50,000 MW by 2015.

Agunloye said at the opening of a workshop on the Nigerian eGovernment Interoperability framework in Abuja, that such level of electricity would boost production and the economy.

Other indices that must be in place for the attainment of the vision, according to him, include self sustainability in agriculture and wealth creation.

He also said concert steps must be taken to eradicate poverty through education as well as the introduction of modern and well maintained networks of roads, rail and waterways.

The Executive Vice Chairman stressed the need to make government more competitive through the provision of services and businesses for the people at affordable tax rates.

“Competitive government is one of the fundamentals for a competitive economy,’’ he added. He said eGovernment remained the key for increasing competitiveness and generating a responsive public service.

“eGovernment is about good governance, integration of government agencies and enabling citizen centric interaction,” he said.

He said the eGovernment inter-operability framework intended for the country would serve as a guideline for government agencies and ministries in developing information technology plans and projects.

“The framework will come as an over-arching set of polices, standards and guidelines which will define the way government agencies should do business with each other,’’ he said.

Prof. Cleopas Angaye, Director General, National Information Technology Development Agency, noted that lack of inter-operability between ICT systems was becoming a bottleneck in the collaboration and cooperation between government agencies.

Angaye said an Interoperability framework would ensure that government agencies acquired the ability to share information in distributed computing environment.

“It will also help to find and get information when they are needed, independent of physical location,” he said.


Quelle/Source: Vanguard, 24.06.2008

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