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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Transparency and anti-corruption crusade by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), in the public sector of the Nigeria economy may achieve limited results unless Information Technology auditing is identified as a key pillar of e-governance both at the local, state and national levels.

Part of high level corrupt practices in the public sector of the economy, experts say, is attributable to technology incompetence of government auditors which may spell doom in the near future if nothing is done to correct the anomaly.

Read more: Nigeria: 'IT auditing in governance will check corrupt practices'

The National Government Strategies (NeGSt) has concluded arrangements to train 30,000 civil servants on the implementation of the Government initiatives in Nigeria.

NeGSt Executive Vice Charrman, Dr Olu Agunloye told newsmen in Abuja Tuesday that the training would kick-off the eGovermnent project in ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs).

Read more: Nigeria: NeGSt to train 30,000 civil servants on e-government

The e-Government, one of the IT forum that is gaining grounds in government programmes will further examine its roles when the 7th European Conference on e-Government holds at the Haagse Hogeshool, in the hauge, Netherlands next June, 2007.

e-Government encompasses more than just technology, it challenges the way in which public sector service providers and citizens interact. The conference is calling for papers from Scholars and IT professionals to be examined for presentation. Democratic renewal, the transformation of service delivery, community leadership and citizenship integration as key elements of this fascinating subject.

Read more: Nigeria: Egovernment Reconvenes to Examine Technology and Leadership Challenges

Nigeria is to train 30,000 civil servants to implement the e-Government initiatives, a senior official said on Tuesday.

Olu Agunloye, vice chairman of National e-Government Strategies Executive, was quoted as saying the training would kick-off the e- Government project in ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs).

Read more: Nigeria to train 30,000 civil servants on e-Government

Attaining efficiency and effectiveness in the public administration system has become a major challenge of many governments around the world. In meeting this challenge, many are transforming their public administration system through a review of modern management concepts and administrative practices.

Within this purview, the transformation agenda is concentrated on the key thrusts: finance, access and governance.

Read more: Nigeria: Information technology and governance

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