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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Sarawak electronic government portal, was awarded a five-star ranking by the federal government in Kuala Lumpur, recently.

Deputy Chief Minister Tan Sri Dr George Chan said it ranked number one out of the portals of 13 states and scored 88 points out of the maximum of 100.

"A total of 1,145 government portals and websites nationwide were assessed this year by the Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC). The Sarawak electronic government portal is ranked number one followed by Johor and Selangor.

Read more: Malaysia: Sarawak E-government Portal Awarded 5-star Ranking

Malaysia is taking a harder line on security threats to critical national infrastructure, according to the Office of Prime Minister, including ensuring all government agencies are suitably prepared for possible cyber attacks.

Under Secretary, Cyber & Space Security Division, National Security Council, Prime Minister’s Office, Mohammed Shah Nuri, said that there was a need to focus on “addressing the risks to critical infrastructure and establishing a comprehensive programme and responsibilities” for mitigation.

“Since 2007 and the attack on Estonia, the attacking of critical infrastructure has become more obvious - most of their combined services went down for about three weeks,” he said.

Read more: Malaysia: Prime Minister's Office targets infosecurity threats

The information communication technology (ICT) industry can elevate the rural people to a higher level. Kapit member of parliament, Datuk Alexander Nanta Linggi, said that with broadband centres set up in rural areas by the government, the people can now acquire latest the information on the economy, social matters, technology, training, education, career and knowledge.

“If our society is knowledgeable, then the efforts to push for the agenda of the electronic government or e-Government and knowledgeable workers or e-Workers will be easier,” he said when officiating at the closing ceremony of 2010 Song District Skills and Career Training Programme (PLKK)-Computer Skills Utilisation and Maintenance held in the library of Sibu Rural District Council (SRDC) in Sibu Jaya.

Read more: Malaysia: Transforming rural areas into e-society via ICT

Content and application creation for communications services will lead the transition to a knowledge based-industry under the Economic Transformation Programme (ETP).

With data traffic increasing by 51% per year, profit focus has shifted from infrastructure to content and service providers and the Govern­ment has outlined 10 entry point projects that cater to increasing demand for services.

The ETP Report outlined 10 entry point projects (EPP) that are estimated to rake in RM35.7bil for the gross national income (GNI) in 2020 and create 43,163 jobs.

Read more: Malaysia: 10 entry point projects to meet demand for services

The Sibu Municipal Council (SMC) is proud to be among the first few government agencies in the state to have its own intranet – SMCNET.

It is the second in the state under the local council category after Kuching North City Council and also second of its kind in Sibu, after the Sibu Water Board.

SMC chairman Datuk Tiong Thai King said the Information Technology (IT) age has changed the way information is communicated, distributed and accessed.

Read more: Malaysia: Sibu Municipal Council now intranet based — Tiong

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