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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Malaysia's advanced trade facilitation and e-government initiatives will enable it to benefit from increased external trade, says Hideo Saito, head of a delegation from Jastpro or the Japan Association for Simplification of International Trade Procedures.

Read more: Jastrpo: Malaysia's Strong E-Govt Moves Will Boost External Trade

The Malaysian government is increasing efforts to bring all government procurement processes online under the e-perolehan program, the national news agency Berita Nasional Malaysia (Bernama) said Tuesday.

Read more: Report: Malaysia speeds up e-government push

Activists, journalists and opposition groups expected rising Internet access in Malaysia over the past decade to create more room and hunger for political debate, but the promise they saw in "e-democracy" remains unfulfilled today, analysts say.

Read more: Malaysia's 'e-democracy' will have to wait

E-Commerce laws that give electronic documents and signatures the same legal standing as traditional documents and signature are vital in making E-Government a success in Asean, chairman of the e-Asean Task Force, Roberto Romulo says.

Read more: E-Commerce Laws Vital To E-Govt's Success In Asean

The Ministry of Energy,Communications and Multimedia, has proposed two more laws on security namely the Electronic Government Activities Act and Electronic Transaction Act which can encompass all the electronic transactions in Malaysia. The ministry's parliament secretary Chai Kwang Chye said Thursday that both laws are currently being drafted by the Attorney General's Chambers and is expected to be tabled at the Dewan Rakyat next year.

Read more: Govt To Enact Two More Laws On e-Commerce Security

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