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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Malaysian government is increasing efforts to bring all government procurement processes online under the e-perolehan program, the national news agency Berita Nasional Malaysia (Bernama) said Tuesday. E-perolehan is Malaysia's electronic procurement system for government-to-business (G-to-B) exchanges on which suppliers maintain product and pricing information for access by government buyers.

Around 100 government procurement centers near the capital Kuala Lumpur are e-perolehan enabled with a further 400 to follow by the end of the year, Bernama said.

Suppliers who register with e-perolehan can access the system using a smart card and smart card reader costing M$300 (US$79) and then gain access to a variety of applications including:

  • placing product catalogs online in a form which can be viewed from any desktop with a Web browser.
  • allowing suppliers to process purchase orders and receive payment from government agencies via the Internet
  • submitting quotations, obtaining tender document and submitting tender bids
  • registering or renewing registrations with the Ministry of Finance through the Internet and paying registration fees.
E-perolehan is part of a wider electronic government project being implemented by the Malaysian government. E-government is one of the seven flagship applications under Malaysia's Multimedia SuperCorridor high-tech development plan.

Apart from Malaysia, Singapore is the only other Southeast Asian country to have introduced government e-procurement on a large scale, with its GeBIZ portal covering 147 ministries and agencies.

Quelle: IDG

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