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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The integrity of Immigration officers will be the focus of attention with the proposed implementation of the biometric system at entry points in the country.

Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein said the other aspects of the system were the use of technology and equipment and personnel manning the entry points would work closely with staff at airports and ports in the country.

But the key focus, he added, would be the integrity of personnel at entry points, who would be working with their counterparts in the home countries of arriving tourists.

Read more: MY: Integrity of personnel at entry points vital, says Hisham

Foreigners entering the country from June 1 will have their thumbprints taken under a biometric system to enhance security at 96 entry points.

The National Foreigners Enforcement and Registration System (NERS) would register and monitor foreigners from their arrival until departure, said Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.

“The system is capable of tackling various immigration issues, including falsification of documents, overstaying, and misuse of visas, passes and permits.

Read more: MY: Thumbs up for foreigners, new system to help enhance security

The Finance Ministry expects its electronic procurement system called ePerolehan (eP) to record up to RM14 billion (US$ 4.6 billion) in transactions this year, said Deputy Finance Minister Datuk Dr Awang Adek Hussin.

The eP has reached RM11.04 billion (US$ 3.6 billion) in the value of transactions last year, which exceeded the RM10 billion (US$3.3 billion) target, under the Key Results Area of the Finance Ministry, he added.

The number of government agencies transacting through eP also increased from 2274 in 2009 to 2421 last year.

Read more: Malaysia e-procurement system deals to hit US$4.6 billion

People in the rural areas have been warned against misusing their newly acquired information technology (IT) skills for their political interests.

Planning and Resource Management Assistant Minister Mohd Naroden Majais said rural folk should not follow the current trend of using blogs or websites to spread incorrect information and humiliate others.

“There have been many incidences where the IT tools are being used to smear others, giving inaccurate information, which can confuse people and causing division among us,” he said.

Read more: MY: ‘Don’t misuse IT skills for political interests’

Malaysia Agricultural Research & Development Institute and Malaysia Emergency Response System have recently implemented a solution to accelerate traffic and improve communications across disparate government departments.

Like many public sector organisations, both MARDI and MERS999 have data centres and branch offices spread over large geographies.

The growing need to collaborate, the introduction of media-rich files, and the rising cost of bandwidth are common challenges.

Read more: Malaysia speeds up network for agency collaboration

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