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Sunday, 8.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

PL: Polen / Poland

  • PL: Electronic services prove cost-efficient for Podkarpacie Province Administration in Rzeszow

    As announced in mid-January 2013, the Podkarpacie Province Administration in Rzeszow (southwestern Poland) has saved nearly PLN 40 000 (approx. €9 600) thanks to the replacement of traditional paperwork with electronic services, including the ePUAP web portal (the electronic Platform of Public Administration Services), which deals with official matters.

    The amount of money saved from choosing electronic services is shown on an actual savings counter service, available at the administration’s website:

  • Almost half of Poles in favour of telemedicine

    42% of Poles like the idea of telemedicine, although as many as 65% had never previously heard of it, according to a recent survey by TNS OBOP.

    Telemedicine, i.e. the use of the internet, satellite communication or mobile networks for the delivery of medical services, is still in its infancy in Poland.

  • Die polnische Stadt Szklarska Poreba ist die erste Free-HotSpot-Zone Europas

    Kostenloses WiFi-Internet jetzt überall im polnischen Ferienort verfügbar hat heute bekannt gegeben, dass die polnische Stadt Szklarska Poręba seine erste „Free HotSpot-Zone“ in Europa ist. Dieser Titel bedeutet, dass der öffentliche WiFi-Zugang überall im Ort durch ein lückenloses Netzwerk von kostenlosen HotSpots bereitgestellt wird. Der kostenlose WiFi-Internetzugang wird nun in über 50 Hotels, Restaurants, Cafes und anderen öffentlichen Einrichtungen im Stadtzentrum und den umliegenden Gebieten angeboten.

  • Digital Poland leading digital Europe

    Paradigms of e-government are around the world are led by Estonia, whose size allows for experimentation and implementation of the most advanced and enviable systems in the world. Yet the tales of Estonia, may soon be surpassed by Poland, whose Digital rebirth is an ambitious project that will set the bar higher than anywhere in the world.

    One of the leading minds behind this vision for a Digital Poland, has been Krzysztof Szubert, Strategic Advisor to the Minister of Digital Affairs and Plenipotentiary of the Minister for International Affairs.

  • EU: The sixth Ministerial eGovernment Conference is taking place in Poland

    The Polish Presidency of the European Union and the European Commission are organising in close co-operation the sixth Ministerial eGovernment Conference, entitled "Borderless eGovernment Services for Europeans". During the conference, key European eGovernment decision makers will meet in Poland to talk about the future of eGovernment.

    Key European eGovernment decision makers will meet in Poznań (Poland) to talk about the future of eGovernment. European Ministers responsible for eGovernment will hold an Informal Ministerial Meeting, where they will exchange views on the future of Borderless Services, the development of the Large Scale Projects, the Connecting Europe Facility and other key issues related to the development and up-take of eGovernment services in Europe. The "Borderless eGovernment Services for Europeans" conference will be celebrated on 17-18 November 2011. The European Council supports eGovernment services, as it was agreed during its meeting held in May 2011.

  • Government Initiatives to Encourage Adoption of Healthcare IT Solutions in Poland

    Various initiatives by the Polish Government, coupled with funding from the European Union (EU), have been driving the adoption of IT systems by the healthcare sector. The acceptance of the Euro as Poland's currency is set to further fuel IT funding by the EU in the country.

    New analysis from Frost & Sullivan (, Social and Economic Benefits of Healthcare IT in Poland, finds that Poland ranks below the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) average in terms of healthcare spending per capita. However, efforts to modernise the healthcare structure are set to galvanise the uptake of IT systems by the healthcare sector.

  • Masterplan for e-Government in Poland

    This document provides a detailed plan for the development of e-government in Poland, and was presented at the 6th "Cities on Internet" conference in Zakopane, Poland on June 14, 2002.
  • Open-Source: Schampus in Polen?

    Der polnische Senat hat eine Zusatzerklärung in dem Gesetz verankert, das den verstärkten Einsatz von Open-Source-Software im Ministerium für Bildung und Sport regelt.

    »Können wir schon Schampus trinken?« Mit dieser Frage will der polnische Ticker einer Entscheidung des polnischen Senats huldigen mehr Open Source in die Bildung zu bringen. Das sich vorerst nur auf die Systeme des Ministeriums beziehende Gesetz schreibt allen Mitarbeitern vor, kostenloser oder Open-Source-Software, die zur direkten Verarbeitung von Daten genutzt wird, den Vorzug zu geben. Noch vor einer Woche hatte sich die Regierung (Sejm) mit einer klaren Mehrheit gegen eine Änderung des Gesetzes entschieden.

  • PL: Building an open data culture

    ITU News talks to Mateusz Morawiecki, Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland.

    Q: What is your vision for Poland’s digital future at the European level and beyond?

    Poland is already among Europe’s fastest-developing countries and is rapidly bridging the digital divide.

    Increased availability of e-services via our governmental portal ( helped Polish citizens get through the time of isolation due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Since then, we have continued digitalizing more public services, making them accessible for all, especially for people with disabilities.

  • PL: Business activities can now be registered online

    Since 1 July 2011, it has been possible to register business activities in Poland through the Internet, provided that the entrepreneur has a trusted profile or electronic signature.

    The Central Register and Information on Business Activity (Centralna Ewidencja i Informacja o Działalności Gospodarczej - CEIDG, in Polish), which is run by the Ministry of Economy (Ministerstwo Gospodarki, in Polish), has introduced the CEIDG-1 form to replace the EDG-1 form. The new form is available from the and websites.

  • PL: Certification Centre modernisation to provide eCertificates for public sector employees

    The Certification Centre of the Polish Ministry of the Interior and Administration (Ministerstwa Spraw Wewnętrznych i Administracji - MSWiA, in Polish) is to be modernised, it was announced on 15 September 2011. The IT Projects Centre (Centrum Projektów Informatycznych - CPI, in Polish) has signed a contract with a contractor to improve the IT infrastructure and install software.

    The modernisation of the Certification Centre will facilitate two major projects:

  • PL: Drive for e-government

    The Ministry of Administration and Digitization has drafted regulations to upgrade the law on e-government.

    The amendments are designed to improve the quality of public services by requiring that every public institution should create an electronic service for document filing by citizens, and improve access to official documents in electronic form, including application forms, and online communication with the public.

    According to Michal Boni, minister of administration and digitization, services provided to citizens need to be improved at both the central and local government levels.

  • PL: E-government still science fiction?

    A report by the Supreme Audit Office (NIK) has found that local government in Poland is still heavily reliant on using paper to record information.

    Only two of the 24 councils surveyed use mostly electronic documents.

    “Almost all communes and city councils use a traditional [paper] system to manage documents. Only a few have implemented a system with mainly electronic documents […] Poland still has a lot to do to implement e-administration,” NIK concluded in its report.

  • PL: Electronic service launched to amend the register of voters using ePUAP

    A new version of the service to make changes to the register of voters has been made available through the electronic Platform of Public Administration Services (ePUAP), the one-stop shop that facilitates eGovernment services in Poland, it was announced on 20 September 2011.

    The Ministry of the Interior and Administration (Ministerstwo Spraw Wewnętrznych i Administracji - MSWiA, in Polish) in collaboration with the National Electoral Office (Krajowe Biuro Wyborcze, in Polish) has created the service 'Append to the register of voters' ('Dopisanie do spisu wyborców', in Polish). This service provides a free, simple and convenient method of communication for citizens with the relevant municipal office, and between different municipal offices. It enables citizens to electronically list themselves as a voter in an electoral district different from their place of domicile or permanent residence. For authorities, offering this service enables them to receive requests from citizens about the electronic addition to the list of voters, and to make and receive electronic transmissions of information with other authorities for the deletion from the list of voters in another voting district.

  • PL: ePUAP eGovernment portal renewed

    A new version of the Polish one-stop shop eGovernment portal ePUAP ('Electronic Platform of Public Administration Services') has been launched in early January 2011 with a two-fold purpose: enhancing the portal's convenience for citizens and facilitating the provision of eGovernment services for public entities.

  • PL: Legislation to be communicated electronically using the ePUAP platform

    It was announced in April 2011 that certain Polish legal acts would be transmitted to the Government Centre for Legislation (Rządowego Centrum Legislacji - RCL, in Polish) in electronic form only, using the eGovernment portal electronic Platform of Public Administration Services (elektroniczna Platforma Usług Administracji Publicznej - ePUAP, in Polish).

    Following amendments to the law, the promulgation of prescriptive legislation and certain other kinds of act will be passed to RCL in electronic form only. As a result, the electronic version of the legislation, which previously was merely complementary to the original paper version, will be validated as it bears a digital signature, the only form of authentication and confirmation of the date of the act.

  • PL: Limited liability company registration by means of a Trusted Profile

    It will soon be possible to use a Trusted Profile to sign an online application for the establishment of a limited liability company in Poland.

    In order to set up a limited liability company online in Poland, one must submit their application through the E-MS service of the Ministry of Justice and sign it with a secure eSignature supported by qualified certificates. From 1 June 2012, one will have the possibility to sign their application by means of a Trusted Profile, which is a free alternative to commercial eSignatures.

  • PL: Living in Poznan becomes easier with the new Smart City app

    Poznan just checked off several items on its Smart City list. On Monday, the Polish city launched a new application, that both keeps citizens informed about important events and facilitates their communication with the local authorities.

    The Smart City Poznan app can signal anything from road perturbations and breakdowns to weather warnings, and smog reports. What is more, it enables users to report problems or submit suggestions with just a few clicks.

  • PL: Municipality of Aleksandrów Kujawski the national leader of service provision via ePUAP

    Aleksandrów Kujawski, a municipality in the Kuyavian-Pomeranian province of central Poland, is the leader in terms of providing services to citizens over the Internet through the electronic Platform of Public Administration Services (ePUAP), it was announced on 19 August 2011. The municipality employs ePUAP - the one-stop shop that facilitates eGovernment services - to provide 157 services.

    The services provided by Aleksandrów Kujawski include additions to the electoral register, renting premises, and records for nursery school, kindergarten and schools. Other municipalities providing a high number of services are Kraków, the previous record holder with 76 services, Mińsk Mazowiecki with 63, Żmigród with 60 and Chełmek with 58.

  • PL: Online access to Social Security through a Trusted Profile

    Starting June 2012, people with a Trusted Profile will be able to access a number of social security services through PUE, the eServices platform of the Social Insurance Institution (Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych - ZUS, in Polish). These services include submitting applications and documents online and gaining access to data recorded in one's individual social security account.

    Thanks to a Trusted Profile, a free form of electronic signature available through the platform ePUAP, it will be possible not only to log in to PUE, the new system of the Social Insurance Institution (Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych - ZUS, in Polish), but also to handle official matters. The Trusted Profile will confirm the identity of a citizen when submitting applications and documents online or making payments.

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