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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

A report by the Supreme Audit Office (NIK) has found that local government in Poland is still heavily reliant on using paper to record information.

Only two of the 24 councils surveyed use mostly electronic documents.

“Almost all communes and city councils use a traditional [paper] system to manage documents. Only a few have implemented a system with mainly electronic documents […] Poland still has a lot to do to implement e-administration,” NIK concluded in its report.

NIK also found that few local governments in Poland offer residents sufficient access to ‘e-services,’ with 17 of the 24 councils offering fewer than 20 services online.

In addition, none of the investigated councils provides adequate e-services for the disabled.

In 21 of the councils NIK concluded that there are insufficient measures to protect information, with too many employees being given “admin rights” to software and a lack of protocol concerning data protection.

However NIK noted that Poland has improved in some areas of administration. In an EU-wide ‘e-Government Benchmark’ ranking Poland received 76 percent for online accessibility of public data, placing it twelfth among 28 EU countries.


Quelle/Source: the news, 24.03.2015

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