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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Aleksandrów Kujawski, a municipality in the Kuyavian-Pomeranian province of central Poland, is the leader in terms of providing services to citizens over the Internet through the electronic Platform of Public Administration Services (ePUAP), it was announced on 19 August 2011. The municipality employs ePUAP - the one-stop shop that facilitates eGovernment services - to provide 157 services.

The services provided by Aleksandrów Kujawski include additions to the electoral register, renting premises, and records for nursery school, kindergarten and schools. Other municipalities providing a high number of services are Kraków, the previous record holder with 76 services, Mińsk Mazowiecki with 63, Żmigród with 60 and Chełmek with 58.

The number of electronic services available has increased significantly since the introduction of the trusted profile (profil zaufany - PZ, in Polish) on 9 June 2011. The trusted profile makes it easier and cheaper to sort out administrative matters, since it enables citizens to complete administrative procedures easily over the Internet, without any need for a paid electronic signature, and without any need to go in person to the relevant office.

Dr Zbigniew Olejniczak, Director of the IT Projects Centre of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration (CPI MSWiA) which manages ePUAP, said: "Since the introduction of the trusted profile, constantly updated ePUAP statistics indicate that the interest of municipal offices in providing services via the platform is growing. We welcome this trend, because the activity of the municipalities in offering their services via ePUAP affects the popularity of this convenient tool to access government services offered electronically."

To obtain a trusted profile, a user needs first to be registered on the ePUAP website. They then submit an application for the trusted profile and in person confirm their personal details to the relevant bodies - social security offices, tax offices, regional offices and consulates.

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Quelle/Source: epractice, 22.09.2011

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