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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
A new version of the Polish one-stop shop eGovernment portal ePUAP ('Electronic Platform of Public Administration Services') has been launched in early January 2011 with a two-fold purpose: enhancing the portal's convenience for citizens and facilitating the provision of eGovernment services for public entities.

The main changes made to the portal include:

  • A general description of the services to be provided by law has been made available. This solution will relieve public entities from their obligation to develop their own description of their services. At the same time, citizens will have at their disposal a single definition of such services regardless of which entity provides them.
  • The services provided by the public bodies can now be found via a directory of life events which lists important steps of citizens' daily lives (e.g. obtaining a driving licence, building a home, etc) and companies' daily business.
  • It will become possible for the portal's users to use the 'trusted ePUAP profile', a free secure electronic signature backed by a qualified certificate, as required for most of citizens/companies' contacts with the Public Administration. The trusted ePUAP profile consists of a set of information identifying and describing an entity or a person who has an ePUAP account, confirmed in a trusted manner by an authorised public administration entity. This information enables to submit requests to administration entities without the need for additional electronic signature.

It is to be noted that the trusted ePUAP profile functionality will be made available after the entry into force of the rules defined by the Ministry of the Interior and Administration for the validation, renewal and cancellation of the use of an electronic trusted profile on the platform of the public Administration.

The portal's users are invited to familiarise with the new features during the first half of 2011.

Further information:


Quelle/Source: epractice, 08.02.2011

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