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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
As announced in mid-January 2013, the Podkarpacie Province Administration in Rzeszow (southwestern Poland) has saved nearly PLN 40 000 (approx. €9 600) thanks to the replacement of traditional paperwork with electronic services, including the ePUAP web portal (the electronic Platform of Public Administration Services), which deals with official matters.

The amount of money saved from choosing electronic services is shown on an actual savings counter service, available at the administration’s website:

By reducing the amount of paperwork required for handling official matters, the Podkarpacie Province Administration in Rzeszow has saved almost PLN 40 000 (approx. €9 600), PLN 11 000 (approx. €2 600) of which has been saved by sending letters via the ePUAP platform. In addition to the use of electronic communication tools, such as email and ePUAP, the electronic document management system (Elektronicznego Zarządzania Dokumentacją - EZD in Polish) has also brought savings to the Podkarpacie Province Administration.

The application of the electronic document management system has allowed the Podkarpacie Province Administration to cut the costs of office supplies (paper, envelopes, toner cartridges, etc.) and postal services. Less obvious but equally important benefits from the use of electronic services include time saving. Furthermore, the more services the administration provides online, the easier it becomes for citizens to handle their administrative affairs from any location at any time.

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Quelle/Source: epractice, 28.01.2013

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