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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
It was announced in April 2011 that certain Polish legal acts would be transmitted to the Government Centre for Legislation (Rządowego Centrum Legislacji - RCL, in Polish) in electronic form only, using the eGovernment portal electronic Platform of Public Administration Services (elektroniczna Platforma Usług Administracji Publicznej - ePUAP, in Polish).

Following amendments to the law, the promulgation of prescriptive legislation and certain other kinds of act will be passed to RCL in electronic form only. As a result, the electronic version of the legislation, which previously was merely complementary to the original paper version, will be validated as it bears a digital signature, the only form of authentication and confirmation of the date of the act.

In order to prepare the government to communicate legislation in electronic form, RCL organised a workshop in Warsaw on 5-6 April 2011. During the workshop, specialists from the IT Projects Centre (Centrum Projektów Informatycznych MSWiA - CPI MSWiA, in Polish) of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration (Ministerstwo Spraw Wewnętrznych i Administracji - MSWiA, in Polish) presented ePUAP as a convenient tool for the electronic transfer of legislation.

The CPI MSWiA representatives presented the functionality of ePUAP in the context of its use for the electronic circulation of the legal acts in Poland. They stressed that ePUAP is a natural platform for the transmission of legal acts in electronic form, subject to the procedure for authorisation and the issuing of the appropriate electronic credentials.

The workshop was organised under the project 'Promoting and implementing development and harmonisation of legislative techniques in offices serving the public authorities'. It was co-funded by the EU's European Social Fund (ESF) through its task 'Specialist training in legislation for employees of the RCL and other offices serving the public authorities'.

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Quelle/Source: epractice, 02.05.2011

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