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Monday, 16.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

PL: Polen / Poland

  • PL: Over 5 000 ePrescriptions registered in pilot ePrescription system

    Only two weeks after the implementation of a prototype ePrescription system in the pharmacies and clinics of Leszno city and county, Central Poland, more than 5 000 prescriptions had already been registered in the system.

    The prototype system was launched at mid-March 2011 but the actual use of ePrescriptions started after the installation of the system in healthcare facilities and the training of medical staff and pharmacists. On 17 May 2011, the second conference on the implementation of the pilot ePrescription system was held, presenting the results to date.

    Nineteen health institutions, 15 pharmacies and four clinics have been connected to the system and since early May 2011, 2 400 doctors have joined while pharmacists processed more than 5 100 electronic prescriptions.

  • PL: Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Centre presented its telemedicine project

    On 29 October 2010, in the framework of the eChallenges e-2010 conference, the Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Centre (PSNC) presented its 'Wielkopolska Centre of Telemedicine' (Wielkopolskie Centrum Telemedycyny - WCT, in Polish) project, whose aim is to create an information and communications technology (ICT) infrastructure that will provide a number of telemedicine services in the region.

    The WCT project was presented by Michał Kosiedowski in his speech 'Wielkopolska Centre of Telemedicine: case study'. The WCT infrastructure is expected to link at least 26 hospitals from the Wielkopolska region (west-central Poland) with seven clinical departments located in Poznań (the capital of Wielkopolska region); this will allow the medical staff from clinical departments of the Poznań University of Medical Sciences to share knowledge and experiences with other professionals of the health care system in the region.

  • PL: Rzeszow: Smart parking system, smart city component, now available

    On Friday, at a press conference in the Rzeszów city hall, the completion of this investment, which was carried out by Asseco Data Systems, was announced.

    As emphasized at the conference, Rzeszów is the first Polish city to introduce hybrid monitoring of the state of free parking spaces.

    As Konrad Fijołek, the president of Rzeszów, said, the introduction of this system is a special moment for him.

  • PL: The Conference on e-Health in Warsaw

    Polish and foreign experts will discuss in Warsaw issues concerning security and quality of medical information technology.

    The Conference “E-health - safety and quality of medical information and the extensive usage of telemedicine technology for the citizens of the European Union as a part of Digital Europe on e-Health” begins on 28th November 2011 in Warsaw and is organized by the Polish Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

    Conference participants have a chance to find out about the issues concerning security and quality of medical information technology as well as widespread usage of telemedicine for EU citizens as a part of Digital Europe.

  • Poland an EU laggard on eHealth

    Poland lags behind the EU average in terms of the use of electronic solutions in healthcare, according to a pan-European survey on eHealth published by the European Commission. The country scores below par on most indicators, including both the availability of ICT infrastructure and its use for health-related purposes by general practitioners (GPs).

    For instance, computers are used in consultations with the patients in just 11% of Polish GP practices, against 66% in the EU. Also, less than three quarters of GP practices in Poland are equipped with a computer, compared to 87% for the EU as a whole. The gap is narrower in terms of internet connectivity but Poland again lags far behind the EU in the percentage of GP clinics with a broadband connection.

  • Poland embraces strategy for eCities

    The use of ICT as a driver for social and economic development is being put into practice in one area of Poland as part of the work of the Cities on Internet Association.

    The core mission of the Cities on Internet Association is to support public administration, both central and local, in the process of their transformation toward modern eGovernment solutions by the means of planning, realisation and promotion of work for local and regional eDevelopment, introducing eServices and creation of knowledge society, also in a way of development of public information resources. The COI operates actively in the field of the providing public administration with the consultancy services covering the analytical preparation of the key eDevelopment documents including regional eStrategies. At the moment eStrategy - strategy for development of information society in Mazovia region - is being prepared.

  • Poland ranks low in UN e-government survey

    Poland is dropping down the rankings in a UN survey that assesses the extent and quality of countries' official online presences.

    This year's E-Government Survey placed Poland in 47th position, following on from 45th in 2010 and 33rd in 2008.

    The study considers the degree to which countries' online presences are “the conduit for service flow from government to citizen and consequently a reflection of attention to governance processes.”

  • Poland seeks competitive edge through new technology

    Poland, which is expected to post the European Union's highest growth this year, is hoping to further boost its competitive edge by investing in new technology, the country's e-government czar said Wednesday.

    "In competitiveness rankings, (IT) infrastructure is part of what has for years now lowered our position," Michal Boni, Poland's digital affairs minister in charge of ushering his country into the digital age said at a forum Wednesday.

  • Poland: Disembodied government

    Plan to e-connect ministries makes haste – slowly.

    For Grzegorz Rogaliñski, sales director at Oracle Polska, the government has been a veritable gold mine.

  • Poland: e-Poland at the End of e-Europe

    Poland's economic strategy pushes it to the margins of modern Europe. In the absence of significant private investments in science, particularly in information technologies or the engines of the knowledge-based economy, Poland has no chance to leave its current outsider position and catch up to Estonia, Hungary and the Czech Republic.
  • Poland: e-revolution expected in health care

    Poland’s government hopes that an e-revolution will cure a chronically sick health care system.

    The government is planning to introduce an electronic health management system, which should make access to public health care easier. Starting from 2013 every patient will receive an e-health card, which will contain information about patient’s health, medical diagnosis and prescription.

    A pharmacist will be able to decode the prescription from the card without a problem. (Currently pharmacists complain that doctors handwriting is indecipherable.)

  • Polish Post launches first e-government service

    Polish Post has launched its first ever digital service on behalf of a government organisation.

    Trusted Profile is an identity verification service that forms part of the government’s electronic Public Administration Services Platform (ePUAP).

    Launched as a pilot programme, it will see citizens setting up their own trusted digital profile, with their identity verified by a visit to a physical post office and the presenting of an ID card.

  • Polish Post seeks central role in e-government services

    Polish Post is pushing to take a wider role in connecting citizens with government agencies in Poland, through post offices and digital platforms.

    The state-owned company currently navigating its way through a newly-liberalised domestic postal market, says it is already providing electronic communication services for businesses, but is now looking to take a role in improving communications in the public sector.

  • PT: 210 municipalities trained on reducing administrative burden on entrepreneurs

    The Agency for Administrative Modernisation published a statistical analysis report on trainings provided to municipal staff on the Services Directive, the Zero Authorisation initiative, as well as the Entrepreneur's Desk.

    By March 2012, 231 municipalities (approx. 83 % of Portugal's continental municipalities) had provided services and procedures for business activities through the Entrepreneur's Desk (Balcão do Empreendedor - BdE, in Portuguese), the national electronic one-stop shop for completing the formalities required to perform a business activity.

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