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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Polish Post is pushing to take a wider role in connecting citizens with government agencies in Poland, through post offices and digital platforms.

The state-owned company currently navigating its way through a newly-liberalised domestic postal market, says it is already providing electronic communication services for businesses, but is now looking to take a role in improving communications in the public sector.

The company said in just five years, it believes around half of all official documents issued by public sector organisations like land registrars and the national courts will be picked up by citizens at their nearest post office.

Paper documentation is also increasingly moving to electronic means with 60% of Polish households now accessing the Internet, it said.

Polish Post has already launched a new hybrid mail service and electronic postcard service, and is in the process of expanding an electronic money order service. Later this year, the company will launch more electronic services including an e-letter service, eList, and an online postage service, eZnaczek.

In the field of e-government services, Polish Post believes it can facilitate the sending of millions of official documents to people, particularly those in rural areas where access to government services can be difficult.

Poland’s Tax Office alone currently issues 10m certificates a year, while the National Court Register and the National Criminal Register issue about 4m official documents a year, offering “significant” potential for Polish Post, the company said.

Janusz Wojtas, the Polish Post board member responsible for sales and marketing, said: “We operate the biggest retail network in Poland. We can say that we are everywhere. Because of this network, we can bring the state administration closer to the Polish people.

“We want to become an integral part of the e-government project.”

Wojtas said the government in the Czech Republic was already providing services through post offices, in a project that was demonstrating clear cost savings of EUR 4-5 per transaction.

Polish Post said expanding into e-government services would have the added benefit of diversifying its revenue stream to provided added support for Poland’s universal postal service.


Quelle/Source: Post and Parcel, 13.03.2013

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