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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The first-ever ministry sponsored online forum revealed a major gap in public knowledge on issues concerning land and the environment compared to government policy, the minister said.

Mai Ai Truc, Minister of Natural Resources and Environment said the online question forum was scheduled to finish at 4:30pm but had to be prolonged to handle the immense amount of questions.

Read more: Vietnam: Innovative ministry online forum shows gap in public knowledge

For the first time the Minister and five deputy ministers and high-ranking officials of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MoNRE) will talk online with citizens about issues related to natural resources, water, the environment, hydrometeorology and minerals.

“Direct dialogue through the Internet between government offices and the people is one of the necessary and practical activities of e-Government,” said Minister Mai Ai Truc.

Read more: Vietnam: MoNRE answers citizens’ questions online

A delegation of the Management Board of a government project on computerising state administrative governance visited France from Feb. 3-16.

The visit was aimed at conducting research into the electronic administrative structure of the French Government in order to better Viet Nam's implementation of the "Computerisation of state administrative governance" project (Programme 112 of the Government), said Vu Dinh Thuan, Director of the Project Management Board.

Read more: Vietnam: Viet Nam learns about France's e-government experiences

In an effort to bring the implementation of information technology (IT) and telecommunication projects in Ha Noi up to speed, the city’s Party Committee has launched a five-year programme to make the IT sector the capital’s leading industry.

The comittee found that implementation of IT and related projects have been moving at a snail’s pace, resulting in limited effectiveness

Read more: Vietnam: Ha Noi: City to focus its energy on IT sector

Vietnamese government officially launched its web site to offer information online about Vietnam, the government’s first step toward working online with residents and implementing e-government.

The website at, or, has been developed by the Government Office and will provide online transactions for residents and government agencies. It will also provide information on government management, economic and social reports, and gather information from lower-level government agencies.

Read more: Vietnam: Step taken on path to e-government

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