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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
In an effort to bring the implementation of information technology (IT) and telecommunication projects in Ha Noi up to speed, the city’s Party Committee has launched a five-year programme to make the IT sector the capital’s leading industry.

The comittee found that implementation of IT and related projects have been moving at a snail’s pace, resulting in limited effectiveness

The project aims at widely applying IT and telecommunications in the fields of construction, electronics, e-government and e-transactions, as well as raising the IT skills of government agencies’ employees, businesses and the public as a whole.

Since 2001 the city has regarded investing in IT as a priority and contributed VN330 billion (US$20.7 million) to developing the sector.

Up to now, only two of 29 approved IT projects in the capital have been completed. The reason for this is that the city does not have experience in building a long-term investment strategy and an appropriate roadmap for developing the IT sector.

The city authorities affirmed that the city did not lack investment capital, but that the slow implementation of projects was because of the poor managerial skills of the city’s employees in this sector.

In order to accelerate the pace of implementation, the city administrators have instructed related departments and agencies to pay urgent attention to their shortcomings and speed up their projects.

The city itself will officially implement a project on developing IT and telecoms. This project requires an investment of VND570 billion (US$35.6 million), of which the World Bank has contributed US$29.6 million and the remainder will come from local capital resources.

The project will be carried out between 2006 and 2010 to bring the IT sector on a par with those in other countries in the region.

Quelle: Asia News Network, 07.03.2006

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