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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
With such current low levels of IT in Viet Nam, will the nation’s enterprises be able to implement e-commerce?

According to surveys made by the Ministry of Trade, Viet Nam has about 6.2 million Internet users; twice as many as we had in 2003. About 17,500 enterprises have websites and more than 10 trading websites are active.

Enterprises are aware of the positive role information technology, particularly e-commerce, can have in business. Some enterprises have been researching and using technologies such as digital signatures and e-certification.

Read more: Vietnam: E-commerce needs legal framework

Deputies to the 11th National Assembly (NA) at the ongoing seventh session on May 31 discussed the draft law on e-transaction.

The issuance of the law aims to create a legal framework for e-transactions, data messages, and e-signatures, thus increasing the effectiveness of information technology application in socio-economic development.

Presenting the bill, Ho Duc Viet, Chairman of the NA's Committee for Science, Technology and Environment, stressed the need to quickly issue the law because the information technology revolution is making great progress, and Viet Nam is further integrating into the world. Already, over 50 countries and international organisations promulgating legal documents on e-transaction.

Read more: Vietnam: NA deputies discuss draft law on e-transaction

Ho Chi Minh (HCM) City recently launched a metropolitan area network (MAN) to help speed up the city's administrative reform, and its introduction of e-government and e-commerce.

The municipal People's Committee's high speed network will offer shared connections to over 90 users who are municipal departments, district people's commitees, mass organisations, State-owned units, and Party and socio-economic organisations of all levels in the city.

Read more: Vietnam: HCM City launches multi-service broadband network

Vietnam's Ho Chi Minh City has launched a high speed network to support the roll-out of e-government services.

The new network is part of a US$2.5 million project that is being carried out by the Viet Nam Post and Telecommunications Corporation. It will connect more than 90 government departments, district committees, State agencies and other public sector organisations.

Read more: Vietnam: HCM City launches Metropolitan Area Network

The number of administrative offices using IT in HCM City has increased recently, and has made it easier for both residents and public servants to deal with the vast amounts of paperwork.

With 26 e-government projects now underway, HCM City is leading the nation’s race to implement information technology in administrative procedures.

Under the four-year e-government programme initiated in 2002, information networks belonging to the Government Office, HCM City People’s Council and HCM City People’s Committee are now electronically connected to all grassroots administrative offices in the city.

Read more: Vietnam: HCM City govt leads nation’s IT race

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