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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
At its ongoing meeting yesterday, the Standing Committee of the National Assembly (SCNA) discussed the draft law on electronic transactions and the draft law on youth.

The legislators acknowledged the need for a law on electronic transactions to facilitate investment, trade in goods and services, and State management, as well as serve the requirements of international integration. In his presentation on the bill, Ho Duc Viet, chairman of the National Assembly Committee on Science, Technology and Environment, said that, as the country is hastening its bid for WTO membership, Viet Nam is committed to implementing the APEC Common Plan of Action on e-commerce. In 2000, Viet Nam was also a signatory to the ASEAN framework agreement on e-commerce and e-government.

The SCNA is developing a draft law on electronic transactions in order to recognise the legal validity of such transactions and of data messages, electronic signatures, electronic contracts and many other issues, said Viet.

Some people have expressed concern about the feasibility of the law, said Vu Duc Khien, chairman of the National Assembly Legal Committee. The country’s telecommunications infrastructure has not yet been fully developed, and the computer literacy of the population at large is still limited, Khien noted.

His committee wants the drafting committee to reconsider provisions prohibiting the use of data messages and electronic signatures in electronic transactions relating to such matters as verification, transfer of real estate ownership, and commercial bills.

Regarding the provision on intellectual property rights in electronic transactions, Khien said the drafting committee should leave it for the law on intellectual property as the subject matter relates to many domains and electronic transactions are only one of them.

In the afternoon, the delegates discussed the draft Law on Youth, the objective of which is to foster the development of youth and enhance the dynamism and creativity of young people in nation-building and defence.

According to Chu Xuan Viet, Secretary General of the National Committee on Vietnamese Youth and a member of the drafting committee, the law clarifies the responsibilities of the State, society and families towards youth. It has distinct provisions on investment and planning for youth activities.

"The law will provide a legal foundation for the Viet Nam Youth Union, the Viet Nam Youth Federation and other youth organisations to carry out their activities," said Viet.

Quelle: Viet Nam News, 01.04.2005

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