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Monday, 16.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

TZ: Tansania / Tanzania

  • Tanzanian government uses OSS for localisation

    Tanzania, like the rest of Africa, is attempting to bridge the digital divide to create an information economy. And like many other African states, it is turning to open source to achieve this goal.

    Speaking at the World Summit on the Information Society conference in Tunis, Tunisia yesterday, Mark J Mwandosya, Tanzania's minister for communications and transport, says that challenges developing nations face include “inadequate infrastructure, high cost to access ICT facilities and lack of relevant local content”.

  • Tanzanians challenged to be ready for e-services soon

    Tanzanians should be ready to utilise the National Broadband Backbone network to improve their lives and change the way they do business, the minister for Communications, Science and Technology Prof Makame Mbarawa Mnyaa, said here.

    Inspecting the progress of the construction of phase II of the National Information Communications Technology Broadband Backbone infrastructure (NICTBB) in Lind and Mtwara on Thursday, Prof Mbarawa said that fast, efficient and cheap data traffic through the broadband will facilitate the delivery of diverse services, such as e-education, telemedicine, e-agriculture, e-commerce, and e-governance to the remotest areas in the country.

  • Twitter Criticizes Tanzanian Gov’t Over Internet Restrictions

    Microblogging site Twitter has condemned internet restrictions in Tanzania as the country elects leaders in today’s General Election. Many Tanzananias and lobby groups yesterday reported problems using Twitter and other social media platforms further accusing the John Pombe Magufuli-led government of suppression of freedom of speech.

  • TZ expedites digital transformation

    Tanzania has adopted the National Digital Economy Framework that will ensure all sectors of the economy are leveraging ICTs, while facilitating digital transformation that creates an inclusive digital society for sustainable development.

    This was said by the Minister for Information, Communication and Information Technology, Mr Nape Nnauye, when addressing the International Telecommunication Union Plenipotentiary Conference 2022, which is being held here in Bucharest, Romania.

  • TZ: ‘ICT policy review coming’

    A review of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Policy is in the pipeline to help address cybercrime, deputy minister for Communication, Science and Technology January Makamba has said. The ICT policy of 2003 is outdated and doesn’t augur well for the current technological advancement, according to Mr Makamba.

    Winding up a two-day training workshop aimed at curbing cybercrime as well as launching a website that addresses cybercrime at in the city at the weekend, Mr Makamba said there was a need for protecting online transactions.

    “We have rushed on online transactions without putting in place a workable mechanism to keep hackers at bay,” he said.

  • TZ: Aga Khan health project brings hope to 2 regions

    Local authorities have pledged to support the Aga Khan Health Services’ Joining Hands Initiative, a project that fights to reduce maternal and child mortality in Mwanza and Dodoma regions.

    Funded by Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), the project sensitises e-health technology and mobile health (m-health) as innovations to enhance maternal and child health services.

  • TZ: Biometric system coming, says PM

    It is now official. The National Electoral Commission (NEC) has started the process of introducing the biometric voter registration.

    The assurance was made in the Parliament yesterday by the Prime Minister, Mr Mizengo Pinda, when reacting to a question from the leader of the official opposition, Mr Freeman Mbowe.

    But Mr Pinda refused to halt the process to give way to amendments of the law. This is in order that the process may be given a legal mandate as well as involve stakeholders, notably political parties, as requested by Mr Mbowe.

  • TZ: ICT abusers to face the music, warns minister

    Dar es Salaam. The government has reiterated its determination to deal with abusers of Information Communication Technology (ICT) platforms, vowing to take stern measures against them, including dragging them to court.

    Such acts as circulating hate messages for incitement via mobile phones and other means of communication would not be tolerated.

    The minister for Communications, Science and Technology, Prof Makame Mbarawa, said this at the weekend.

  • TZ: Innovation in agriculture as farming goes ‘hi-tech’

    Last week, we reported on how a portable solar lamp project enables students to improve their performance at school whilst saving money and ensuring their health and safety.

    This week we have a special report on a method of “Green Solutions” where information and communication technologies (ICT’s) are used to improve the agriculture sector.

    Conservation Interaction uses ICT to share information and answer ecological problems. We are developing a web portal, accessible through a mobile application, about how to adapt to the causes and effects of climate change in Tanzania and are also working towards delivering radio programmes about environmental solutions that improve listener’s livelihoods.

  • TZ: National ICT agribusiness incubator in pipeline

    The government is in the process of establishing Information Communication Technology (ICT) incubator for agribusiness solutions in collaboration with Sokoine University (SUA).

    Speaking during an ICT contribution to agriculture organised by an NGO, 2Seeds on Tuesday night, the co-ordinator for innovation and enterprises with the Commission for Science and Technology (Costech), Mr Omar Bakari said that preparation was going on to establish the national ICT incubator for agribusiness development.

  • TZ: 200 Villages for Modern Communications

    The government has earmarked 231 villages for a pilot project of Communication for All Fund (CAF) aimed at facilitating telecommunication services to the areas with less business attraction.

    The Minister for Communication, Science and Technology, Prof Makame Mbarawa, told the 'Daily News' that the government had already announced a tender for a telecommunication company to carry out the project.

    "We announced the tender for a company to implement the project since December last year," said the minister. He said the company that would win the tender would provide the villages with communication infrastructure for villagers to access communication services, saying the move aims at speeding up development.

  • TZ: 3,000 govt telecentres to address ‘digital divide’

    The government plans to build about 3000 telecentres in underserved areas in a bid to narrow down the digital gap existing between urban and rural areas.

    At the telecentre, the community would be able to access information through television and ICT tools such as the internet, fax and telephones.

    About 15 telecentres have already been built across the country according to Enock Mpenzwa who is programme officer in the ministry of Communications, Science and Technology. The creation of telecentres is provided for by the Universal Communication Access Act, 2006.

  • TZ: 5 agencies launched 

    The Government has launched five executive agencies that will focus on Information Technology and livestock development.

    Launching the five executive agencies yesterday, the Chief Secretary Ambassador Ombeni Sifue said the objective of creating the agencies was to improve services given to the public and reduce workload on ministries.

  • TZ: Agency to assist public offices to utilise its services

    As part of the Public Service Week celebrations, E-Government Agency (eGA) is set to visit government institutions to collect and solve various challenges they face in utilising services provided by the agency.

    Addressing reporters in Dar es Salaam, E-government Director of Information, Education and Communication, Ms Suzan Mshakangoto said the agency wanted to ensure every public office has access to ICT infrastructure and resources.

  • TZ: Biometrics collected in Ilala for National IDs

    Ilala Municipal residents yesterday had their fingerprints, photographs and electronic signatures taken as part of the final steps towards receiving their national Identification Cards (IDs).

    After completing the exercise in Ilala Municipality, Kinondoni Municipality will follow marking the end of Dar es Salaam Region and the beginning of the process in other regions. The highly anticipated IDs are expected to improve national security and criminal investigations as well as revenue collection and social services delivery.

  • TZ: Bukoba: Teachers, students attend ICT training

    A tota of 36 teachers and 45 students from nine schools in Bukoba Municipality are currently attending a four-day workshop to improve their skills in Information, Communication and Technology (ICT).

    Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) Project Co-ordinator, Mr George Rubayuga, said the workshop was part of the Connecting Classroom Project, being supported by the British Council.He named the primary schools taking part in the project as Mugeza Viziwi, Rwemishasha, Tumaini, Zamzam, and Amani English Medium. Secondary benefiting from the proeject include Kibeta, Kahororo, and Rutunga.

  • TZ: China's Huawei becomes ICT advisor to Tanzanian gov't

    Tanzanian government has chosen Huawei, a leading global information and communications technology (ICT) solutions provider based in China, to be its technical advisor in empowering the East African country's ICT sector.

    An agreement was signed at the first Huawei Cloud Conference in Dar es Salaam Thursday, seeing Huawei offering Tanzania services on ICT training, education and big data services.

  • TZ: Chinese-built broadband brings premium speed in Tanzania

    Tanzanian authorities have hailed the Chinese-built Internet Data Centre (IDC) for providing high-speed broadband connectivity across the East African nation, the second largest economy in the region.

    Faustin Kamuzora, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication, said the state-of-the-art IDC built in the commercial capital Dar es Salaam by China International Telecommunication Construction Corporation (CITCC) will provide specialized Information and Communication Technology (ICT) services.

  • TZ: Communication ministry launches development arm 

    The Ministry of Communication, Science and Technology launched Information and Communication Technology Commission (ICT) with a mission to develop the sector in the country.

    The Minister, Prof Makame Mbarawa told reporters here that the commission came into being following National ICT Policy of 2003, which among other things, was initiated to ensure that Tanzania was not left behind in technology.

  • TZ: Dar es Salaam Broadband Project Impresses Malawi

    Tanzania has experienced a tremendous revolution in the communication sector, a situation that has led to a rapid growth in the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) over the past decade.

    This was said on Saturday by the Minister for Communication, Science and Technology, Prof. Makame Mbarawa, at a meeting in Dar es Salaam on the International Broadband Fibre connectivity between Tanzania and Malawi.

    The minister said that the communication improvement was prompted by the fast changing technology in the global ICT industry.

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