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Monday, 16.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

TZ: Tansania / Tanzania

  • TZ: Rural ICT a Boon for Farmers

    The proposed plan to connect rural areas with low cost communication will definitely spur economic growth at both household and national levels.

    So far, the government has set aside 48bn/- to finance the first phase of the project which is expected to benefit more than 1.6 million people in 152 wards across the country.The Universal Communication Access Fund (UCSAF) Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Engineer Peter Ulanga, was quoted by the media over the weekend as saying that ground work such as scouting for a company that will provide the service has been done.

  • TZ: Shein Launches E-Govt Programme

    President Ali Mohamed Shein has said that the e-government programme is to improve communications, economic growth, employment creation and quality of lives.

    "We have to change to fit in the fast-growing world of information and technology. Egovernment is a milestone in our development strategies," said Shein in his speech to launch egovernment centre at Mazizini, Zanzibar municipality.

  • TZ: State launches online system for seeking visa, resident permits

    Foreigners wishing to visit or reside in Tanzania can now apply online for the relevant documents from anywhere around the world

    The government yesterday introduced electronic visa and residence permit services for foreign nationals wishing to visit or live in Tanzania, billed to enhance efficiency and boost security as well as revenue collection.

  • TZ: Talk of bridging digital divide calls for action

    Early last week, the government said that 239 villages had been earmarked to benefit from a communication services fund which will help narrow the digital divide between urban and rural areas.

    The minister for communications, science and technology Professor Makame Mbarawa said this in Dar es Salaam at the launch of the ministry’s exhibition to mark the 50th independence anniversary.

    In a bid to bridge this digital divide, the minister said that the government will provide subsidies to attract investors to invest in rural areas.

  • TZ: Tap benefits of e-learning, varsities told

    Local higher learning institutes have been advised to grab the potential of e-learning system by sharing contents with their foreign counterparts online and thus reducing cost incurred in exchange programmes.

    According to the Seacom Head of Sales for East Africa Region, M Julius Opio, following the recent development in construction of Information Communications Technology (ICT) infrastructure, plans were underway to link colleges and universities on one educational network.

    “Once the National ICT Broadband Backbone is completed, the local universities will be connected to other universities and exchange contents at lower cost than the current prices,” said Mr Opio.He said after joining the network, then there will be no need for students to travel to other countries or continents for exchange programmes as the foreign contents will be accessed locally.

  • TZ: Telemedicine Project to Benefit 5 Hospitals

    Four hospitals in Dar es Salaam and one in Coast Region will be connected by telemedicine technology in December, this year, in a move expected to enhance efficiency and reduce unnecessary transfers of patients.

    The Principal of Dar es Salaam Institute of Technology (DIT), Prof John Kondoro, named the hospitals to be connected in the pilot project as Mwananyamala, Amana, Temeke and Muhimbili National Hospital (MNH), (all in Dar es Salaam) and Tumbi Hospital in Coast Region.

  • TZ: Telemedicine set to improve health service in unreachable rural areas

    DR Donald Mawalla, an Obstetrician/ Gynaecologist working with a project that has actively upgraded, renovated or rebuilt 12 rural health centres and five hospitals.

    The objective of the project is to safeguard the existence of life-saving to mothers through comprehensive emergency obstetric care in some remote regions of the country. It is organized by World Lung Foundation and sponsored by Bloomberg Philanthropies and Agerup Foundation.

  • TZ: TTCL vows to enhance technology

    Tanzania Telecommunication Company Limited (TTCL) has vowed to increase its investment in technology with a view of making it the leader in communication services in the country and East Africa.

    Several government ministries, agencies and departments have been connected to the National ICT Broadband Backbone (NICTBB), with the aim of achieving fast and sustainable development through e-government.

  • TZ: Using ICT to enhance government/client relationship

    E-government is the use of online services to deliver government information and services to citizens. Nowadays some government information is accessible online more than it was in the past.

    It is meant to engage the citizenry in governance and allows government transparency, as citizens are informed of what the government is doing and the policies being implemented to facilitate social development.

    E-government increases efficiency, improved services, better accessibility of public services and more transparency and accountability. E-government service managers need to be equipped with adequate skills and knowledge on how to develop services that will meet citizens’ expectations.

  • TZ: Varsity helps sightless people access ICT

    Sightless people (the blind) in Tanzania can now access ICT studies following the introduction of a special programme that offers computer courses to people with vision disabilities, an initiative launched recently by Open University of Tanzania (OUT).

    OUT’s ICT consultant Cosmas Mnyanyi revealed this yesterday in relation to the project to evaluate the promotion of disability inclusion in Tanzania, implemented by CCBRT.

  • TZ: Why executives should know how to use computer

    We are today living in a very demanding and competitive world in which success will mainly depend on how much one is well acquainted with modern technologies.

    While in the past people relied on letter writing to communicate with relatives, friends or colleagues living far away, today it just takes a matter of few seconds to communicate with a person living thousands of kilometres away by just phoning, sending a text message, emailing or faxing.

  • TZ: Wide consultation vital in formulating new ICT policy

    Much was said and written on the occasion of marking the World Telecommunications and Information Society day a few weeks ago. Statements issued by the Minister of Communications, Science and Technology as well as the Director General General of Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA) were very informative and gave us a reasonably good picture on what the government is doing to improve the communications sector, whose role in development is well known today.

    One of the important revelations made by the Minister is that the National ICT policy of 2003 is carefully being reviewed and the exercise will be completed by the end of this year. This point deserves public attention, given the fact that every citizen is affected by developments taking place in the communications sector, either positively or negatively.

  • TZ: Will a Mega-Dar es Salaam also be a ‘Smart City’ come 2030?

    Dar es Salaam is projected to become a megacity by 2030, only ten years from now. The United Nations defines a megacity as a city which has a population of at least ten million people. Currently, there are 37 megacities in the world, including Shanghai, Tokyo, Lagos, Kinshasa, and Mumbai. Today, it is a necessity for a megacity to also be a smart-city. How is Dar es Salaam prepared to become mega-smart?

    The typical high populations of megacities come with many challenges that require innovative solutions to everyday problems – and that is where technology comes in. There are different perspectives on the meaning of a smart city. Some are more technology centric and others are more human focused.

  • TZ: Zansibar will not pay for IDs project

    Zanzibar will not be asked to contribute any funds to the multi-billion national identity cards project expected to begin in December, the Government said yesterday.

    In yet another sign the stalled project is still choking silently with differences over its implementation, two Zanzibar government officials recently distanced the Isles from the 37-year-old project.

  • TZ: Zanzibar e-govt project to cut treatment costs-Shein

    Zanzaibar President Dr Ali Mohamed Shein has said that the Information and Communication technology project will help minimize the number of patients going abroad for treatments.

    Dr Shein made the remark yesterday at the launch of ‘e-Government’ project which has cost 19m USD at Mazizini as part of the celebrations to mark 49 years of Revolution in Zanzibar.

  • TZ: Zanzibar: Shein - Growth of IT Should Mean Isles' Development

    Communication companies and parents should ensure that growth of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is for positive changes to the society and not a source of moral-decay, President Ali Mohamed Shein said on Saturday in Zanzibar.

    In his speech before launching the ZANTEL's 3G-high speed internet wireless broad band services in the Island, Dr Shein emphasized that growth of technology should mean development.

    "As we move from analogy to digital technology, use of mobile phones and internet should ease communication, search for information for students, share ideas and drive us to be innovative," said Shein. He said the history of telecommunication in Zanzibar, from 1880 when the wireless and cable were first installed in the islands is broad, "but Zanzibar is proud to be the first country in the region to have improved communication network."

  • Uganda seeks to connect to Tanzania's broadband

    Uganda has declared its interest to connect its national broadband backbone to Tanzania’s to further bind the good economic relationships that the two countries share.

    Udanda’s Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Jinny Saamanya made the plans public over the weekend in Dar es Salaam.

    A delegate from Uganda’s ICT Ministry was in the country last week to learn and share experiences on various ICT related issues in relation to social and economic development with experts of the Tanzania’s Ministry of Communication, Science and Technology.

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