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Monday, 16.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

TZ: Tansania / Tanzania

  • TZ: Modern tech to provide unlimited internet access

    Tanzanians will soon start benefitting from a wireless internet services countrywide with the coming into force of the new registered telecommunication company using 4G technology.

    The 4G wireless technology is the term used to describe the fourth-generation mobile technology of wireless service succeeding 3G, which is currently the most widespread, high-speed wireless service.

  • TZ: More Public Bodies to Be Connected to Internet

    The government has connected 72 public institutions with the government communication network (GovNet) system that will enable them use internet.

    The institutions are now connected to the national fiber optic network.

    Speaking to journalists yesterday, the education and communication manager of E-Government Agency (EGA) Ms Suzan Mshakangoto said the system will easy the communication processes and reduce cost in the public institutions.

  • TZ: National ICT policy review is underway - government

    The government is reviewing the National Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Policy of 2003 to make it match with changes in the ICT sector and ensure equitable access to opportunities.

    The policy review process has come at an opportune time when ICT is increasingly becoming an important ingredient and tool in all facets of socio-economic activities, as demonstrated by the importance that the mushrooming initiatives are occupying in our society, including government, schools, economy and health.

    This was said yesterday in Dar es Salaam by Minister for Communication, Science and Technology Prof Makame Mbarawa at the ICT stakeholders’ forum convened to kick-start the policy review.

  • TZ: National IT Data Centre in Pipeline

    Optimism is high for a booming data hosting business as construction of a national centre in Dar es Salaam nears completion.

    The Minister for Communications, Science and Technology, Prof Makame Mbarawa, said in the city on Tuesday that the centre would have state-of-the-art infrastructure to provide high quality database hosting services to government and business institutions.

  • TZ: Need for partnership in promoting ICT in education

    It is widely known that provision of education, especially basic education is entirely the responsibility of the government.

    However, governments are increasingly burdened with increasing demand of education services matched with increased enrolment, especially at primary and secondary education levels.

    The governments therefore take initiatives to involve the private sector in supporting the education development.

  • TZ: New ICT kit to boost operations at parties registrar

    The office of the Registrar of Political Parties is expected to verify members of all political parties registered in the country with the objective of establishing their actual number, it has been revealed.

    This was disclosed in Dar es Salaam by the Registrar of Political Parties, Judge Francis Mutungi, while receiving Information and Communications Technology (ICT) equipment donated by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

  • TZ: NIDA to adopt biometric system for Dar residents

    The National Identification Authority (NIDA) is set to start the exercise of obtaining the biometric capture of information for Dar es Salaam residents who filled application forms for the national identity cards.

    The exercise will require applicants to have their fingerprints, images and signatures taken.

    Speaking to The Guardian in an exclusive interview, NIDA Information Officer Thomas William said the agency is still in the preparations process of the exercise. “We have organised ourselves well and people will be notified before the commencement of the exercise though the media and other outlets,” he said.

  • TZ: NIDA: Dar to complete bio-data inputs Sunday

    With a year left for every eligible Tanzanian to get a national identity, Dar es Salaam region will complete the biometric stage on Sunday.

    This is the stage of collecting finger prints and photographing individuals.

    However, the National Identification Authority (NIDA) Information Officer, Agnes Gerald, told The Guardian yesterday that there are more stages before Dar residents are issued with the IDs.

  • TZ: Non-citizens, multiple ‘voters’ given 7 days to return cards

    THE National Electoral Commission (NEC) has issued a seven-day ultimatum to non-citizens and people who registered more than once in the Permanent Voter Register (PVR) to turn up and surrender the voter cards or risk prosecution.

    In a related development, the electoral body has handed over to the police force a list of 52,078 people with multiple registrations in the PVR through the Biometric Voter Registration (BVR).

  • TZ: Now ICT Brings Dialogue With Nation At Finger-Tips

    State investment in Information Communication Technology (ICT) has helped put the government online, making Tanzania the first country around Africa with wider digital tool coverage.

    At least 211 websites spanning 26 regional and 185 district councils across Tanzania Mainland were officially launched yesterday, costing a whopping 600bn/-.

  • TZ: Over 200 executives undergo ICT training to fast-track e-govt

    The Tanzania Global Development Learning Centre (TGDLC) has embarked on extensive training of government executives on information and communication technologies (ICT) in a move to fast-track enforcement of e-government.

    Dickson Mwanyika, TGDLC acting training Coordinator, made the revelation yesterday at the three-day international conference on ICT for Development, Education and Training, which opened in Dar es Salaam on Tuesday.

    The forum, which was opened by Vice-President Dr. Mohamed Gharib Bilal on Wednesday, drew ICT experts and specialists, government ministers and representatives of civil societies and ICT companies from around the world.

  • TZ: PM launches national website

    Prime Minister Mizengo Pinda yesterday launched the national website dubbed ‘Government Portal’ - a single window web through which the government would be issuing information.

    The Tanzania Government Portal is designed, developed and maintained by e-Government Agency.

    The portal’s main objective is to enable a one stop centre interface for public services delivery in a transparent, easy and cost effective manner from various public institutions for the benefit of citizens, businesses, employees and other stakeholders, both within Tanzania and abroad.

  • TZ: Power of ICT in transformation of agriculture

    Appropriate and timely use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) can drive the global push to address a range of food insecurities caused by preventable diseases.

    In this special report, our reporter SYLVESTER DOMASA examines the power, potential and value of ICT in agricultural transformation in Tanzania reviewing a case study of cassava and maize diseases and pests…

    The value of Information Communication Technology (ICT) to agricultural transformation in Tanzania best became evident when severe attacks by several biotic and abiotic dynamics including cassava and corn mosaic disease (CMD) and cassava brown streak disease (CBSD) hit the lake zone.

  • TZ: PPPs and social media influencers for biometrics registration and national ID

    Lessons from Tanzania in ID4Africa webinar

    The number of people with legal, digital ID in Tanzania, backed by biometrics has increased by roughly 70 percent over the past five years, prompting an ID4Africa webinar to explore the lessons the country’s story may hold for other nations in Africa and elsewhere.

    The latest ID4Africa livecast provided a country progress report ‘Spotlight on Tanzania’s Identity Ecosystem,’ prominently featuring Dr. Arnold Kihaule and Edson Guyai of the National Identification Authority (NIDA).

  • TZ: President Jakaya Kikwete reaffirms commitment to ICT rural connectivity

    President Jakaya Kikwete yesterday reaffirmed the government commitment to connect rural and under-served urban areas with information communication technologies (ICTs).

    He said the government had already set up an agency to deal with rural electrification by establishing a universal communication access fund to facilitate connectivity to rural and under-served urban areas in the country.

    He made the remarks when launching the 6th Commonwealth Telecommunication Organisation (CTO) - Connecting Rural Communities Africa Forum - yesterday.

  • TZ: Prevailing in ICT know-how, applicability vital, says Seif Iddi

    Tanzanians have been challenged to leave no stone unturned to be abreast with ICT knowledge compatible with requirements for speedy accuracy and efficiency to live up Mwalimu Nyerere’s metaphorical expression that Tanzanians “should run while others walk” to register speedy development.

    Zanzibar Second Vice President Ambassador Seif Ali Iddi made the challenge to that end at the inauguration of the Zanzibar first ever ICT Laboratory facilitated by the Open University of Tanzania (OUT) recently, being the 12th ICT laboratory under OUT auspices in the country.

  • TZ: Prisons department adopts e-management system

    The Prisons Department has adopted a computerised Offender Management Information System (OMIS) in carrying out day-to-day inmates’ supervision at all central prisons in a bid to take maximum advantage of information and communication technology (ICT).

    Prisons principal commissioner Augustine Nanyaro announced this when winding up a meeting for prison commissioners held in Dar es Salaam recently.

    He said the application of ICT would help a great deal in improving and simplifying the supervision of inmates.

  • TZ: Procuring entities, monitoring bodies inefficient: CAG report

    Inefficiency and disregard of fundamental ‘value for money’ will continue surpassing the public sector procurement if serious measures to update the ICT policy are not taken.

    Ludovick Utouh, the country’s Controller and Auditor General (CAG) warned the government in a report released on Thursday last week.

    Non-existent standards, lack of inter-departmental and ministerial coordination and the utter disregard of procuring entities (PEs) have adversely impacted the rate and quality of progress of national development objectives.

  • TZ: Push Internet in School

    Singida Urban MP's pledge to help finance Internet connection projects for secondary schools in his constituency is the right move towards the realisation of the National Information and Communications Policy.

    It is about recognising the need to access to information and communication technology (ICT), especially the Internet, to promote learning.

    It also takes note of the fact that currently, very few schools, mostly the privately-owned ones, have computer laboratories and other multi-media facilities. Even fewer are linked to the Internet.

  • TZ: Read access to public information still an illusion – P3

    In Summary

    But, we all are agreed that free and easier access to government-held information is one of the key pillars of economic and democracy development of any society. Free to access information is indeed an important aspect in promoting transparency and accountability.

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