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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Tanzania Global Development Learning Centre (TGDLC) has embarked on extensive training of government executives on information and communication technologies (ICT) in a move to fast-track enforcement of e-government.

Dickson Mwanyika, TGDLC acting training Coordinator, made the revelation yesterday at the three-day international conference on ICT for Development, Education and Training, which opened in Dar es Salaam on Tuesday.

The forum, which was opened by Vice-President Dr. Mohamed Gharib Bilal on Wednesday, drew ICT experts and specialists, government ministers and representatives of civil societies and ICT companies from around the world.

According to Mwanyika, enforcement of e-government needed skilled manpower. He said without proper training, implementation of the e-government programme might remain unrealistic.

Numerous challenges, including rapidly changing dynamics of world operational systems, had forced many governments and countries to switch to ICT in the quest to simply work and enhance efficiency in both public and private systems.

"Tanzania is not lagging behind in these unfolding developments, as the government has already launched a special e-government programme and put it under the supervision of the E-Government Agency," he said.

He said the ongoing construction of the national ICT broadband backbone (NICTBB) stood as a practical demonstration of the overnment's commitment to promote ICT and enforcee-government in public delivery systems.

But the TGDLC training coordinator said “these positive initiatives must be backed up by a pool of human resources who are capable to help the government realize its dreams of e-government.”

He said recognizing the importance of the training, the government had tasked TGDLC with exposing government executives, at all levels, to the ABCs of ICT, and e-government in particular.

According to the official, the e-government training project was being implemented by TGDLC, E-government Agency and the Ministry of State in the President's Office (Public Service Management).

“The ministry and the E-Government Agency are the ones who provide guidance on e-government knowledge to be imparted on the selected public servants and other aspects, and our task is to train the officials in accordance with the government demand and requirements,” said Mwanyika.

Since the programme started at TGDLC some months ago, he said, about 200 public servants, particularly from the national and regional levels, had already been trained on e-government systems, noting that the target was to train government executives at all levels.

“We have made some progress in training responsible officials at national and regional levels…the next step is to take same knowledge down to the district and local government levels,” he said.

According to the Mwanyika, TGDLC uses “train the trainers approach” - that’s training some few officials who can go back and train other officials in their respective offices.


Quelle/Source: IPPmedia, 28.05.2011

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