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Insgesamt 39466611

Montag, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Government will borrow $US20million ($F34.5million) from the People's Republic of China, through the China Exim Bank to fund the Fiji-Chinese E-Government project.

Finance Minister Ratu Jone Kubuabola moved the motion in Parliament yesterday in pursuant to section 59 of the Financial Management Act 2004.

The loan, Ratu Jone said, which is going to be for a period of 20 years from the Chinese EXIM Bank, will have a five-year grace period with interest rate at 2 per cent per annum.

The project is to help improve government functionality, thereby enabling better policy outcomes, improved and more efficient delivery of services and greater interaction with citizens.

He said there were five components in the E-Government project, an E-Government Blueprint, E-Government Applications, government Data Centres, Government Info-Communication Infrastructure and ICT Competency Development and Training.

He said E-Government facilitates access to greater range of services and products, in terms of scale, E-Government enables the involvement of the marginalised groups and individuals. E-Government he said, therefore fosters increased awareness and understanding, facilitates the availability of access to information and enables citizens to participate in the governance process.

The National Information Communications and Technology Policy, he revealed adopted by government last year is based on three platforms for development which is E- Government, E-Commerce and E-Community.

This proposal, Ratu Jone said would begin to put Government business on-line, and also make some strategic linkages with the community, empowering selected communities to access government services provided on-line.

Ratu Jone said the rationale of promoting investment in the Fiji E-Government Project include its support to leadership and development, contribution to improved productivity and economic growth and its contribution to employment creation and improved quality of life.

Quelle: Fiji Times, 03.12.2005

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