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Thursday, 19.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The office of the Registrar of Political Parties is expected to verify members of all political parties registered in the country with the objective of establishing their actual number, it has been revealed.

This was disclosed in Dar es Salaam by the Registrar of Political Parties, Judge Francis Mutungi, while receiving Information and Communications Technology (ICT) equipment donated by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

The US $250,000 (about 400m/-) worth equipment were handed to Judge Mutungi by the UNDP Country Representative, Mr Philippe Poinsot, as part of the UN agency’s Democratic Empowerment Project (DEP).

Judge Mutungi further explained that the verification exercise would be conducted all over the country once his office is availed with funds, noting further that the exercise will cover all 22 registered political parties.

“We have been facing a challenge of not having information of members of the parties, but through this support we will be able to know their number,” Judge Mutungi explained.

The equipment includes desktop computers, scanners, printers, photocopiers and landline telephone receivers.

The support is aimed to improve the credibility and capacity of key institutions of democracy to effectively implement election and political activities.

It is believed that enhanced credibility and capacity for these institutions will contribute to the improvement of the democratic activities in Tanzania as an overall outcome.


Quelle/Source: Daily News, 11.09.2014

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