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Monday, 16.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

TZ: Tansania / Tanzania

  • TZ: Govt charted favourable guidelines to simplify ICT application in public offices

    The government has devised guidelines that will help proper usage of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in public offices.

    Addressing reporters in Dar es Salaam, the Director of ICT Management Services, E-Government Agency, Mr Benedict Ndomba, said that the guidelines would be used in planning, designing and managing various systems of ICT.

  • TZ: Govt lauds optic cable network in ICT development

    The nation has recorded immense development in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) since the National Fibre Optic Cable network was put in place, the Deputy Minister for Communication, Science and Technology, Mr January Makamba, has said.

    Mr Makamba said this on Thursday when officiating at meeting of ICT stakeholders to discuss the proposed mandate of the recently launched National ICT Commission (NICTC) on Thursday in Dar es Salaam.

  • TZ: Govt on the lookout for `dependent` agencies

    Chief Secretary Ombeni Sefue has challenged the government agencies to shun dependency on the government instead to utilise the existing opportunities to generate funds.

    He made the remarks on Wednesday in Dar es Salaam during the inauguration of government agencies including the new electronic information monitoring e-Government Agency (eGA).

  • TZ: Govt pushes ICT use into rural areas

    The government is doling out Sh17.5bn to help local mobile phone improve rural communication infrastructure.

    Communication, Science and Technology Minister Professor Makame Mbarawa told journalists in Dar es Salaam yesterday that the government had since contacted five mobile phone firms to develop rural communication infrastructure.

    Profesor Mbawa said that the project was aimed at ensuring wider coverage of the mobile phone services in rural areas to allow Tanzanians in rural areas improve their means of production.

  • TZ: Govt Stresses Popular ICT Empowerment

    The government has reiterated its determination to empower youths with technological and entrepreneurship skills to make them cope with prevailing economic and social challenges.

    "We are in the process of changing our education system to ensure those coming out of schools and colleges have adequate skill to make them self-reliant," the Director of ICT in the Ministry of Communication, Science and Technology, Dr Ziapora Yonah, said in Dar es Salaam over the weekend.

  • TZ: Govt to give more support to rural based ICT experts

    The government plans to allocate Information and Communication Technology (ICT) experts in rural areas to give room to rural residents to learn the new technology more and make them aware of its use.

    Speaking yesterday in Dar es Salaam during the handling over of certificates to ICT graduates the Director of ICT from the Ministry of Communication, Science and Technology, Dr Zaipuna Yona said it has been customary for ICT experts to remain in urban centers after completing their studies leaving majority of Tanzanians in the rural unattended.

  • TZ: Govt to Monitor Poll Manifesto Promises Execution Online

    Minister of State in the Prime Minister's Office, Policy, Parliamentary Affairs, Labour, Employment, Youth and the Disabled Jenista Mhagama

    The government has launched an online portal to track-down implementation of election manifesto and promises made by senior leaders with the view of improving service delivery and speeding-up economic growth.

  • TZ: Govt to Tighten Screws On ICT Abusers

    The government has warned that stern measures will be taken against people who use mobile phones and other types of social media to incite conflicts and go against the country's customs and norms.

    The Minister for Communications, Science and Technology, Prof Makame Mbarawa, said in Dar es Salaam over the weekend that the government has decided to take action because the abuse has been alarming.

    "Strict measures will be taken against all individuals or companies who will abuse the government and its leaders; religious, political leaders and individuals," he said.

  • TZ: Govt to work with Kenyan, Korean experts in controlling cybercrime

    The government in collaboration with experts from South Korea and Kenya is discussing the possibility of introducing an online identity and verification system aimed at controlling cyber crime in Tanzania.

    The system to be adopted from South Korea and Kenya is known as Public Key Infrastructure.

    According to the two countries, the system has been successful in checking cyber related crimes.

  • TZ: Health sector services remain bleak

    Health stakeholders have raised concern over the country's poor performance in e-health despite availability of resources.

    The Director of the Tanzanian Training Centre for International Health (TTCIH), Prof Senga Pemba said in Bagamoyo that unskilled human resource in the health sector was acting as a stumbling block leading to underutilisation of resources.

    "The current human resource in the health sector is not aware of the national e-health strategy launched last year and this is a problem because we cannot have it implemented," he said.

  • TZ: Here is how to ensure smooth elections in 2015

    Accurate voter registration and identification is essential in a democratic election. In an increasingly high tech world, we would do well to invest in an electronic system ahead of the 2015 General Election.

    The biometric voter registration system, which proved a success in the recent election in neighbouring Kenya, would go some way to ensure a fair election here at home. The National Electoral Commission has indicated that it is considering investing in that technology. It is a welcome move that will, to a large extent, ensure that no one fiddles with the outcome.

  • TZ: Here’s our chance to gain from ICT

    Reports that the government has wrapped up the National Information Communication and Technology Broadband Backbone (NICTBB) project can only mean good tidings. The new infrastructure is expected to transform traditional services into online e-transactions or e-services.

    The first part of the project, which was completed in May 2010, covered three routes— Northern Ring I that covers Babati, Arusha, Moshi and Tanga; Northern Ring II that covers Dar es Salaam, Morogoro, Iringa, Dodoma and Singida and Western Link I and II that take care of Shinyanga, Mwanza, Geita, Biharamulo, Rusumo and Kabanga.

  • TZ: Higher learning institutions to adopt new automated registration system

    Higher learning institutions in Tanzania have for the first time adopted the academic registration information system (ARIS) developed by the University of Dar es Salaam Computing Center (UCC) it has been learnt.

    Development and institutionalisation ARIS was almost a paradigm shift as far as academics records management in Tanzania were concerned.

    A press statement issued by the UCC in Dar es Salaam said for the first time in the history of UDSM and the country at large, ARIS has enabled automation of the admission process through the software.

  • TZ: Hospital Calls for ICT System Funds

    The Muhimbili National Hospital (MNH) needs at least 700m/- to procure and install modern Information and Communication Technology (ICT) equipment to keep patients' records secure.

    Apart from the equipment, the hospital also needs more than 300 computers to facilitate electronic communication from when the patients enter the hospital until when they are discharged.

  • TZ: Hospital Programme Seeks to Improve Health Communication

    AGA Khan Hospital is set to establish e-Health and Mobile Health programmes in partnership with the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare as innovations to facilitate health communication.

    The Project Administrator, Agapati Sanday, told the 'Daily News' in Mwanza City that the initiative was meant to improve health services. "Apart from communication, there will be e-leaning service as well as the processing and transmission of information between selected primary medical centres of Mwanza and Dodoma regions," Sanday said.

  • TZ: ICT Broadband to Link All Districts

    The third phase of the National ICT Broadband Backbone (NICTBB) construction will start soon and will connect all the districts in the country, the Deputy Minister for Communications, Science and Technology, Mr January Makamba has said.

    Mr Makamba told the National Assembly here that the job will cost 403 million US dollars. The money is a loan from the government of China. "We signed a 403 million dollar loan when the President of China toured Tanzania two months ago. We will spend the money on construction of the National ICT Broadband Backbone. We will thus be able to connect the whole country including all district councils," he said.

  • TZ: ICT centres to be established in every village

    In a bid to increase transparency in governance, plans are underway to establish Information Communication Technology (ICT) centres in every village.Chief Secretary, Ambassador Ombeni Sefue, said this on Friday in Dar es Salaam during his visit to the e-Government agency offices.

    He said it is important that priority is given to rural areas so as to harness knowledge for development."There is no way that we can avoid using ICT as it develops daily and is used worldwide by various governments," he said.

  • TZ: ICT development: Why e-government initiative is urgent

    Leadership is a key aspect for the success of egovernment initiatives everywhere in the world for it provides an invaluable linkage between technological solutions, context of implementation and business problems.

    Lack of adequate leadership may result in disastrous failure of e-government initiatives, which the world of today cannot afford risking them. The world of today needs innovative and creative leadership that copes with current developments and challenges.

  • TZ: ICT imperative for economic, social development

    IT goes without saying that one of the areas that improve competitiveness of economies and other aspects of human life today is access and use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT).

    ICT has especially become the buzzword in recent years as the global economy has become more inter-linked and thriving on the immediate transmission of information from one location to another.

    Against this background, Tanzania can not afford to miss out on the chance to reap from ICT potentials. E-health, e-commerce, e-government, e-education, e-learning etc, which have become part and parcel of the modern day vocabulary, all connote one thing, the application of ICT in the various sectors.

  • TZ: ICT Incubation Hubs Target Graduates

    Tertiary education in the country is taking on a new shape as incubation hubs crop up in Dar es Salaam, experts say.

    Some of them include Dar es Salaam Teknohama Business Incubator (DTBI) and Mara Group. According to the CEO of the Dar Teknohama, Eng George Mulamula, says more training is shifting focus to the concept, a few years back was seen as a preserve of the West.

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