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A tota of 36 teachers and 45 students from nine schools in Bukoba Municipality are currently attending a four-day workshop to improve their skills in Information, Communication and Technology (ICT).

Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) Project Co-ordinator, Mr George Rubayuga, said the workshop was part of the Connecting Classroom Project, being supported by the British Council.He named the primary schools taking part in the project as Mugeza Viziwi, Rwemishasha, Tumaini, Zamzam, and Amani English Medium. Secondary benefiting from the proeject include Kibeta, Kahororo, and Rutunga.

Under the ICT project, various programmes are being implemented including environmental awareness, sports and games, joint curriculum and exchange of teaching and learning methodology.Others include contemporary issues including HIV/AIDS awareness campaigns, gender sensitization, art and culture and international friendship.

The Tanzania cluster was working in collaboration with Broken Hill cluster from Zambia and Umoja cluster from Rwanda.The project was launched in 2006 while the Bukoba branch was opened in 2010 with three founder schools, namely Bukoba Secondary School, Tumaini Primary School and Zamzam Primary School.

During the 2011/12 academic year, three more schools were enrolled in the programme, namely Kahororo and Rutunga secondary schools and Rwemishasha Primary School. Three more schools will join the project during 2012/13 academic year. They include Mugeza Viziwi and Amani English Medium primary schools and Kibeta Secondary School, bringing the total number of schools in Kagera Region under the ICT project to nine.

He said with financial assistance from the British Council, the project had established an IT hub at Bukoba Secondary school equipped with ten computers.According to Mr Rubayuka, a delegation of seven teachers and four students recently toured Rwanda in an exchange programme. While in Rwanda, the delegation spent six days visiting various projects being implemented under the ICT project.

"We were highly impressed by the pace of development in Rwanda. They are very determined to attain development without waiting for foreign aid," noted Mr Rubayuka."It is hard to believe that as early as 1994 the country was torn apart by civil and genocide. They have demonstrated great attitude and now simply regard the genocide as a past which should not be forgotten," he added.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Meddy Mulisa

Quelle/Source: Daily News, 15.06.2012

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