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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Tanzanian authorities have hailed the Chinese-built Internet Data Centre (IDC) for providing high-speed broadband connectivity across the East African nation, the second largest economy in the region.

Faustin Kamuzora, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication, said the state-of-the-art IDC built in the commercial capital Dar es Salaam by China International Telecommunication Construction Corporation (CITCC) will provide specialized Information and Communication Technology (ICT) services.

Kamuzora said the IDC has been built with a loan from China to attract ICT stakeholders to use the center to store their data and information.

Kamuzora was speaking to a delegation of Chinese and Tanzanian journalists who visited Chinese enterprises on a tour to shed light on the fruitful achievements made under China-Africa cooperation.

Organized by China’s State Council Information Office, about 20 journalists from both countries visited Chinese enterprises that were involved in Africa’s development that benefited people’s well-being and promoted friendship between China and Tanzania.

Kamuzora said the use of the center will serve to speed up the nation’s digital migration, adding: “The use of the data centre will go a long way in enhancing performance of the ICT sector in Tanzania.”

He added that the data center was a dedicated space where companies can keep and operate most of the ICT infrastructure that supports their businesses.

Kamuzora said the infrastructure will enhance the use of ICT applications for sustainable socio-economic development including implementation of e-government, e-learning, e-health and e-commerce.

The IDC is part of the country’s National ICT Broadband Backbone (NICTBB) built by CITCC. The NICTBB, with a total length of around 7,560 kilometers, is providing service to neighboring countries such as Kenya and Uganda.


Quelle/Source: News Ghana, 03.12.2016

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