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Thursday, 19.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The government has earmarked 231 villages for a pilot project of Communication for All Fund (CAF) aimed at facilitating telecommunication services to the areas with less business attraction.

The Minister for Communication, Science and Technology, Prof Makame Mbarawa, told the 'Daily News' that the government had already announced a tender for a telecommunication company to carry out the project.

"We announced the tender for a company to implement the project since December last year," said the minister. He said the company that would win the tender would provide the villages with communication infrastructure for villagers to access communication services, saying the move aims at speeding up development.

Prof Mbarawa was speaking after inspecting progress of the second phase of laying down the National Fibre Optic Cable at Madaba village in Ruvuma rural last week. He said the infrastructure would enhance usage of ICT applications for sustainable socio-economic development including implementation of e-government, e-health, e-learning and e-commerce.

"We decided to invest in the project in order to cope with changes and developments in science and technology to enhance people's development," noted Prof Mbarawa. The project is implemented by China International Telecommunication Construction Corporation (CITCC) and after the project completion it will be managed by Tanzania Telecommunication Limited (TCCL).

According to the CITCC Tanzania ICT Project Manager, Mr Liang Gouqiang, the project would be finished before the end of the month and that there would be Provisional Acceptance Test (PAT) for one month.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Ludovick Kazoka

Quelle/Source: AllAfrica, 26.03.2012

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