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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Well-managed technology can produce a superior customer experience and consequently better business performance.

IT departments used to be responsible for reducing, controlling and managing costs, as well as ensuring its organisation's critical information was secure. But with the IT industry constantly evolving, cloud and mobile technologies are forcing most organisations to modernise and integrate their core business applications with new standards which enhance the end user's experience.

Read more: SA: Kingdom's public sector looks to upgrade e-Gov't services, performance testing cited as critical

The National Communication Center (Amer) started its services to the e-Government customers in Saudi Arabia. Using a variety of communication channels, the center adopts a new innovative approach of communication and interaction with the parties to the e-Government services including government agencies and customers.

Eng. Ali bin Saleh Al-Soma, Director General of the e-Government Program, said (Amer) center is one of the most important channels of communication and interaction with the e-Government customers including citizens, expatriates and business sector.

Read more: SA: Amer center adopts an innovative communication approach with the e-Government community

The General Directorate of Passports (Jawazat) won the e-Government Achievement Award (Injaz) in the category of collaboration with government agencies to deliver better services.

More than 184 projects were in the competion for the award.

The category is designed for government agencies that make optimal use of information and communications technology to effectively deliver e-services to other agencies.

Read more: SA: Jawazat earns e-Government Achievement Award

As Internet usage continues to rise in Saudi Arabia, experts say it should consider migration to an online channel and utilize a comprehensive e-Government tool to better deliver services to its citizens.

The country can certainly learn from Canada’s e-Government initiatives, which have transformed the delivery of information and services over the last 13 years.

The adoption of a multi-channel approach that allows Canadian citizens to take up services online (through web and mobile), by telephone or in person has led to a high level of end user satisfaction. For this reason, Canada has stood out in terms of e-Government initiatives and has ranked amongst the best over the last few years. The initial goal of these initiatives was to provide information via the Internet that citizens could access at any time.

Read more: ITIL to strengthen Saudi govt delivery of services

Since 1994, when Internet made its debut on the national scene as a modern tool of learning on the road to a knowledge-based society, the Kingdom has achieved significant progress in implementing Information Technology and distance learning programs and bringing together students in remote areas.

One of the landmark developments in this context was when Saudi Electronic University won first place prize in the best digital courses, as well as the third place prize in the training quality program to give them sufficient information on how to use this technology and transfer it to the students.

Read more: SA: ICT plays key role in Kingdom’s higher education program

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