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Sunday, 6.10.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The National Communication Center (Amer) started its services to the e-Government customers in Saudi Arabia. Using a variety of communication channels, the center adopts a new innovative approach of communication and interaction with the parties to the e-Government services including government agencies and customers.

Eng. Ali bin Saleh Al-Soma, Director General of the e-Government Program, said (Amer) center is one of the most important channels of communication and interaction with the e-Government customers including citizens, expatriates and business sector.

He said the main objective of the center is to ensure 24 hours a day, 7 days a week response to queries from the public. The new innovative approach uses a variety of communication channels to respond to queries including telephone, e-mail, website, SMS, in addition to IVR service through (199099) universal telephone number while delivering the service in both Arabic and English languages. The center uses the best technology and security standards in order to contribute to realizing strategic objectives of the e-Government Program.

Delivering immediate accurate information with a new innovative approach of interaction with the public emphasizes the significant role of the center, stated Eng. Al-Soma. A professional work team that received high level training is provided with all necessary information to ensure direct and immediate support.

The center seeks to meet several objectives and results including alleviating the burden on service providing agencies, enhancing the quality of e-Government services, immediate and effective response in emergency cases; in addition to its contribution to transformation into the e-environment. Moreover, the center's objectives include acquiring more experience and knowledge and maintaining the progress achieved in the IT area in order to meet present and future requirements.


Quelle/Source: Zawya, 29.04.2013

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