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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Riyadh Passport Office has urged the Riyadh Chamber of Commerce and Industry (RCCI) to make use of its online services.

Requesting the RCCI chairman to urge its members to subscribe to the e-services, Acting Director of Riyadh Passport Office General Saad Bin Ibrahim Al-Juberi said in a letter that none of these services will be provided manually once they go online.

The e-services will include issuance and renewal of iqamas of dependents, Al-Juberi said.

Read more: SA: Jawazat’s expat services now a click away

The government has spent large amounts of money to upgrade all its sectors and improve services provided to citizens including the easy and swift handling of paperwork. This has led to the establishment of a project for an electronic government. However, many government departments are unaware of the procedures involved in implementing the e-government project and as a result the transition to e-government services remains incomplete.

So far there are no indicators that the project will be thoroughly implemented in all government departments. Service kiosks have been installed yet remain unused in many departments, which is ample proof that such departments are ill prepared to make the transition from paper to a fully digitized system.

Read more: SA: Experts claim e-govt services are faltering

The Saudi government will need the latest security solutions to protect sensitive data on its e-government platforms, a leading computer executive said here yesterday.

Dong Wu, vice president of Huawei Enterprise Middle East, was speaking during the fourth annual Kingdom e-government summit held in Riyadh on Monday and Tuesday.

The company showcased its latest security solutions during the summit, which focused on confidentiality, integrity and availability to address challenges that governments face when building e-government platforms.

Read more: SA: Security for e-govt services stressed

Held in Kingdom of Saudi

Under aegis of Minister of Communications & Information Technology, Eng. Eng. Mohamed Jamil Bin Ahmed Mulla, an Enterprise Architecture Forum has been arranged by the e-Government Program (YESSR), recently in Saudi Arabia.

Targeting IT and e-Government executives in government agencies and the private sector, the event was designed within the context of e-Government transformation. Local, regional and international experience in the area of Enterprise Architecture were presented by EA professionals.

Read more: SA: Enterprise Architecture Forum reviews local, regional and international experiences

Ali Bin Saleh Al-Soma, director general of the e-government program (Yesser), has said that the biggest mistake an e-services provider can make is to allow technological capabilities alone to determine the design and usability of their online services. Al-Soma was speaking at the Fourth Annual Kingdom e-Government Summit here yesterday.

“Enterprise architecture and virtualization are the main focus of our second national action plan. These will play a key role and assist government authorities in e-transformation,” he said.

Read more: SA: E-services lead the Kingdom toward sustainable future

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