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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The ICT (information and communication technology) is all set for a very positive growth, both in Saudi Arabia and elsewhere in the Middle East & North Africa (MENA) region.

"We see a very positive growth, thanks to new technologies," Audai Altaie, regional head of enterprise business, Enterprise Business Group, MENA HQ of Samsung Electronics, told Khalil Hanware of Arab News in an exclusive interview on the sidelines of Samsung's recent MENA Forum 2013 in Dubai.

Read more: 'Modernized Saudi Arabia is hungry for latest technologies'

A newly established data center at the Saudi Ministry of Health will promote better health services in the Kingdom by linking 22 regional health directorates, 166 hospitals and more than 40 hospital management centers across the Arab world.

The data center will help in provision of better medical services through improved communication among government agencies and health centers. On the occasion of Center’s inauguration, the Saudi Minister of Health, Dr. Abdullah Al-Rabeeah said that, “the Ministry of Health has taken a major step in the development of information technology, facilitating the concept of e-government in dealing with other governmental bodies throughout the Kingdom”.

Read more: Saudi Arabia actively promoting e-health services

Providing the Kingdom with the latest and newest technology, supporting women and youth, and facilitating the Internet access for each individual are the main three concerns of Aysegul Ildeniz, regional director for the Middle East, Turkey and Africa regions of Intel Corporation.

Ildeniz who has worked tirelessly to expand the use of ICT among women and underserved communities in the Middle East and Africa, including spearheading the World Ahead program, which is designed to address the digital divide and promote rural technology development, spoke to Diana Al-Jassem of Arab News in Riyadh to spotlight on Intel's latest development projects in Saudi ICT market.

Read more: SA: Boosting ICT key to Kingdom's growth

The Traffic Department yesterday launched a number of e-services that would enable the public to access most traffic related services through the Internet.

Maj. Gen. Abdul Rahman Al-Muqbil, director general of the department, said the services would cover transfer of vehicle ownership, identifying actual owner, information on traffic fines and car insurance, and authorizing others to drive the car inside and outside the Kingdom.

Read more: E-traffic services launched in Saudi Arabia

The Saudi Arabian government unveiled the second National Action Plan (2012-2016) for e-government, which aims to improve e-government services for citizens and increase public-private collaboration to enhance resource availability and boost economic growth.

The Second National Action Plan has four main strategic themes: building a sustainable e-government workforce, improving the public experience of government interaction, developing a culture of collaboration, and improving government efficiency. The fulfilment of these themes is expected to lead to efficient and effective delivery of services to citizens of Saudi Arabia.

Read more: Saudi Arabia Launches Next e-Government Action Plan

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