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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Government performance remains strong, while challenges remain to address developing higher levels of competition to reduce costs of communications

NSEAD, the leading international business school, and the World Economic Forum today released the 11th annual Global Information Technology Report. The Report examines the networked readiness of 142 developed and developing countries worldwide - accounting for over 98 percent of the world's GDP. The index measures how these markets leverage advances in information and communication technologies (ICT) to drive economic productivity and social development.

Read more: Saudi Arabia ranks in top quarter (34th) of Network Readiness Index

Prince Mansour Bin Mite’b Bin Abdul Aziz, Minister of Municipal and Rural Affairs, launched Makkah Mayoralty’s new e-services that can be accessed through iPhones and Android phones.

Users of these smart devices will benefit from a wide range of services such as enquiring about a certain transaction, business activity regulations, construction licenses, petitions and complaints. Users can get information about the Mayoralty and municipalities and about how to contact an official.

Read more: SA: New e-services in Makkah Mayoralty

Saudi Arabia has been ranked 41st out of the 193 countries by the United Nations in terms of the level of e-government infrastructure development despite its considerable dependence on foreign workers, absence of innovations and dearth of home-grown information technology until a decade ago.

The Kingdom has advanced 17 positions from its rank of 58th in 2010, said the UN’s Department of Economic and Social Affairs’ survey on e-government for 2012, which was released on Thursday.

Read more: Saudi Arabia an e-govt ‘emerging leader’

Saudi Arabia Monday sought the help of Narayana Hrudayalaya (cardiac hospital) in setting up a telemedicine centre in the kingdom for providing remote healthcare to its citizens.

"The Saudi Arabian government has agreed to extend all facilities in setting up a telemedicine centre at Riyadh for providing immediate medical treatment remotely to its citizens across the desert country," a hospital spokesman told IANS.

The proposal came up for discussion during a visit of a 40-member Saudi youth delegation Monday to the Narayana Hrudayalaya campus on the city's outskirts, led by its Deputy Foreign Minister Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah.

Read more: Saudi Arabia seeks Bangalore hospital's help for telemedicine centre

In the “E-Government Survey 2012” report recently released by the United Nations’ Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Saudi Arabia has been ranked 41st out of 193 countries relating to the level of its e-government infrastructure development. Saudi Arabia advanced 17 positions from its rank of 58th in 2010. The report is released every two years and determines the ranking of countries based on online services available, telecommunications infrastructure, and human capital.

Due to Saudi Arabia’s large jump from 58 to 41, it is now among the top 25 emerging e-government leaders. In addition, it is highlighted as one of the countries that made the most progress over the past two years. The top five countries in the 2012 e-government development index are South Korea, the Netherlands, the U.K., Denmark, and the U.S.

Read more: Saudi Arabia Becomes E-Government “Emerging Leader”

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