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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Several government departments have not been connected to the Ghana Government Online Services Project (eServices) to deliver Government services to the public because of a lack of e-service portals.

Among these are the Ministries of Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation, Fisheries and Aquaculture Development, Chieftaincy and Traditional Affairs, Employment and Labour Relations as well as Water Resources, Works and Housing.

Read more: GH: Most Govt Agencies Not Hooked To eService

Dr Edward Kofi Omane Boamah, Minister of Communication on Friday inaugurated the Boards of three institutions under the Ministry of Communications.

The institutions are the Ghana Investment Fund for Electronic Communications (GIFEC) with the Minister as its Chairman, the National Communication Authority (NCA) with Mr. Eugene Baffoe Bonnie as Chairman and the National Information Technology Agency (NITA), with Professor Nii Quaynor as Chairman.

Read more: GH: GIFEC, NCA and NITA Boards inaugurated

Dr Osei K. Darkwa, President of the Ghana Technology University College (GTUC), says information and communication technology (ICT) holds the key to unlock the doors of the new global economic regime.

He said any country that failed to harness the power of ICT effectively would be locked out and forced to remain a marginal player on the global economic stage.

Read more: GH: ICT, key to unlock global economy

The Savana Signatures, a non-governmental organization, using Information Communication Technology (ICT) for development, has presented two computers and accessories to the Education Directorate of the Sagnarigu District Assembly.

Mr John Steven Agbenyo, Executive Director of the NGO who presented the computers in Tamale, said his outfit gave basic ICT training to the staff of the Assembly to enable them perform their duties efficiently.

Read more: GH: NGO presents computers to Sagnarigu District

A Deputy Minister for Education, Hon. Alex Kyeremeh, has lauded the Greater Accra Branch of the Ghana National Education Campaign Coalition (GNECC) for its efforts in helping with the monitoring of educational services in schools and providing feedback to Government.

Hon. Kyeremeh said as government officials, they have been employed by the people and therefore attach great importance to concerns raised by citizens especially “when they relate to constructive engagement to improve public services”.

Read more: GH: Minister lauds GNECC for ICT monitoring role in schools

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