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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Minister of Communications Dr. Edward Omane Boamah says government’s shared e-payment being piloted by 12 selected Metropolitan and Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDAs) has received an overwhelmingly positive response.

Speaking at the opening of the first e-Commerce Expo, Dr. Omane Boamah said introduction of the e-system shows government to e-commerce has already rolled-out a set of e-services which include web content management, e-Forms and Document Work Flow.

Read more: GH: Government’s e-payment system receives positive response

Minister of Communications Dr. Edward Omane Boamah says government’s shared e-payment being piloted by 12 selected Metropolitan and Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDAs) has received an overwhelmingly positive response.

Speaking at the opening of the first e-Commerce Expo, Dr. Omane Boamah said introduction of the e-system shows government to e-commerce has already rolled-out a set of e-services which include web content management, e-Forms and Document Work Flow.

Read more: GH: Gov’t pilots e-payment system

The Soul Food Ministries International (SFMI), has trained 876 youth in Information Communication Technology (ICT), under its “Free for all ICT training initiative”.

General Overseer of SFMI,Pastor Eddie Letsa, said the training was to provide free ICT education for determined young men and women in various employable skills in information technology.

Speaking at the 10th graduation ceremony in Accra on Friday, he said some of the programmes undertaken by the students included computer hardware, networking, windows 2003 server, windows 2008 server, Cisco certified network Administration and Linux SLED.

Read more: GH: About 876 youth benefits from ICT training

Mr John Majisi, National Democratic Congress, Member of Parliament (MP) for Krachi Nchumuru, has donated 25 computers and 1,000 exercise books to the Krachi Nchumuru District Directorate of Education in the Volta Region.

The computers were secured from the Ghana Investment Fund for Electronic Communications, at the request of Mr Majisi to facilitate the teaching and learning of Information Communication Technology (ICT) in the district.

Read more: GH: MP donates computers to Krachi Nchumuru District

The World Bank has so far disbursed $56.2million out of the $84.7million funding for the Government of Ghana to implement the e-Ghana project.

A senior official of Africa Region Strategic Communications at World Bank Ghana Office, Kennedy Fosu disclosed.

The objective of the project, he said; "is to assist the recipient (Ghana) to generate growth and employment by leveraging ICT and public-private partnerships to develop the IT Enabled Services industry, and contribute to improved efficiency and transparency of selected government functions through e-government applications".

Read more: GH: $56.2 Million Disbursed So Far for E-Ghana Project

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