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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Dr Edward Omane Boamah, Minister of Communications, on Tuesday said government has identified Information Communication and Technology (ICT) applications as key to accelerating socio-economic growth.

Government has therefore adopted the ICT-led Socio-Economic Policy Accelerated Development, which revolves around the development and enhancement of the nation’s human resource base, the continued rejuvenation of the private sector and the entrenchment of good governance, he said.

Read more: GH: ICT, key to accelerated socio-economic growth

Ghana’s National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA) has initiated a number of measures to contain the challenges associated with the new biometric registration exercise.

The measures include registration officers working for longer hours and during weekends, when and where necessary; the deployment of more equipment where patronage is very high; and the use of a booking system which schedules clients to appear at various times of the day to avoid spending unnecessarily long hours waiting for their turns at the various registration centres.

Read more: GH: Biometric registration programme  NHIA institutes new measures

New findings highlight best practice examples in mobile application development in different local healthcare settings

Studies presented at the World Heart Federation's World Congress of Cardiology on 5 May 2014 showcase new research on best practices in the design and development of healthcare mobile applications, in order to optimize usability and maximise impact in different populations across the world.

Read more: GH: EHealth: the dawn of a new era in cardiovascular disease prevention and management

A leading member of the National Democratic Congress in the Ashanti Region, Mr. Oheneba Asamoah Atuahene, has advised members of the NDC to register their membership in the biometric system being undertaken by the party.

Such a move, he said, would help members of the party to vote and elect capable leaders who would lead the party to victory in the 2016 elections.

Mr. Oheneba Atuahene, who is also the National Chairman of the NDC Old Guards Association, gave the advice in an interaction with the Daily Graphic in Kumasi recently.

Read more: GH: 'NDC members must register in biometric system'

As part of the promise to make Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) a major foreign exchange earning industry and also speed the implementation of the various components of the ongoing national e-government Project, government has commenced work on an $8.8 million Information Communication Technology (ICT) hub for the country.

The Communication Minister, Dr. Edward Omane Boamah performed the ground breaking ceremony in Accra yesterday.

Read more: GH: $8M ICT Hub Centre Project Work Commence

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