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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Ghana’s President John Dramani Mahama has commissioned an 800km Eastern Corridor Fibre Optic backbone which runs through 20 districts and over 120 towns and communities in Ghana.

The project, which was started in May 2013, has been completed as promised by the president under the auspices of the Ministry of Communication and the National Information Technology Agency.

Read more: Ghana’s 800km fibre optic backbone commissioned

President John Mahama has commissioned the eastern corridor fibre optic backbone infrastructure, Monday.

The cable laid from Ho to Bawku in the Upper East Region covers 800 kilometers and will connect 120 communities to the internet.

The €38 million project is geared towards bridging the digital divide between the urban and rural communities in the country.

Read more: GH: Mahama commissions €38m fibre optic infrastructure in Ho

An e-government data centre with a capacity of 600 racks to store government and private sector data is scheduled for completion in March 2015, according to the Data Protection Commission.

The multi-million dollar centre, when completed, would integrate the nation’s information system, process, and people with data closely, and improve data exchange and information sharing effectively.

Read more: GH: Multipurpose e-government data centre to be completed in March 2015

A new Information Communication and Technology (ICT) centre, has been inaugurated at Effiduase in the New Juaben Municipality.

ICT-CentreIt is to be used by students and the public under the e-governance platform project of the Ministry of Communication.

The more than 30 computer- seater facility has other equipment such as LAN infrastructure, servers, switches, a printer and scanner as well as uninterruptible power supply.

Read more: GH: New ICT Centre For Effiduase

Our civil service has failed to deliver as many non-deserving civil servants got promotions but on the contrary deserved ones remained marginalized. Dr Ishrat Hussain, Dean and Director, Institute of Business Administration Karachi and former Governor, State Bank of Pakistan delivered a lecture on “How to ensure good governance in Pakistan?” under the distinguished lecture series, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Karachi on Thursday, February 19.

In his lecture, he emphasized on the e/government system and termed it as a major tool that could help to minimize the menace of corruption. He added that federal government should take care of all higher educational institutions; provincial governments should monitor colleges while district education boards must be set up to ensure quality of education at the primary school level.

Read more: PK: Reforms in civil service vital for good governance: Dr Ishrat

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