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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Rlg Institute of Technology has deepened its collaboration with government to widen the teaching and learning of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in basic schools across the country.

With emphasis on rural schools, Rlg is training and providing free laptops to teachers in deprived communities.

In the Northern Region, Rlg provided 3,609 laptops to the Northern Regional education directorate for onward distribution to teachers from some selected schools.

Read more: GH: Rlg distributes free laptops to northern teachers

The Ghana-India Kofi Annan Centre of Excellence in ICT (AITI-KACE) has introduced over 100 students of Yaa Asantewaa Girls’ Senior High School to the Youth in Mobile training.

The Ghana’s Youth in Mobile Application Development programme seeks to train secondary school students to develop mobile applications known popularly as apps.

This forms part of activities marking AITI-KACE 10th anniversary celebration which also includes engaging with different stakeholder groups around Ghana to deliver innovative Information and Technology (IT) training packages.

Read more: GH: Yaa Asantewaa Girls introduced to mobile training

The Ghana-India Kofi Annan Centre of Excellence in Information, Communication Technology (AITI-KACE) is engaging stakeholders to deliver innovative IT training packages, as part of its 10th anniversary.

As part of the programme more than 100 students of Yaa Asantewaa Girls Senior High School, were introduced to the Youth in Mobile training, which trains senior high students to develop mobile applications known popularly as apps.

Read more: GH: AITI-KACE train students on mobile application development

The Ghana-India Kofi Annan Centre of Excellence in Information, Communication Technology (AITI-KACE) is engaging stakeholders to deliver innovative IT training packages, as part of its 10th anniversary.

As part of the programme more than 100 students of Yaa Asantewaa Girls Senior High School, were introduced to the Youth in Mobile training, which trains senior high students to develop mobile applications known popularly as apps.

Read more: GH: AITI-KACE train students on mobile application dev’t

As part of the pragmatic efforts to transform Ghana into an information-rich knowledge-based society, Media Response, in collaboration with First Digital Television and the National Information Technology Agency (NITA), yesterday launched the e-Governance Forum in Accra.

Anchored on the theme, “Enhancing Citizen Participation in the e-Governance Process”, the platform has been created to educate the public, create awareness and enhance citizen’s participation in the e-governance transformation process in Ghana.

Read more: GH: Forum on E-Governance Launched

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