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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Mr Mahama Ayariga, Minister of Information and Media Relations (MOIMR) on Friday said the Ministry has rolled out programmes to boost the performance of Public Relations Officers (PROs) in the various ministries and departments to deliver government business.

The programmes are directed at building the capacity of the officers to enhance greater efficiency and coordination in delivering government programmes and policies.

Read more: GH: MOIMR initiates moves to improve performance of PROs

Nana Oye Lithur, Minister of Gender, Children and Social Protection, on Thursday said government had accelerated the pace for equipping tertiary educational institutions with laptops as part of the E-education project.

She said government aimed at distributing over 400,000 laptops to both students and lecturers of tertiary institutions by the end of 2016 to inculcate Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the country’s educational system.

Read more: GH: Tertiary institutions to receive 400,000 laptops by 2016

Madam Jeane L. Clarke, Information Officer, Public Affairs Section of the United States (U.S) Embassy in Ghana, on Friday urged computer science students to use their skills in Information Communication Technology (ICT) to transform the local economy.

She specifically urged them to use ICT to ‘revolutionize’ agribusiness in Ghana.

Madam Clarke gave the advice during an interaction with students of the Computer Science Department of Ho Polytechnic in Ho.

Read more: Students advised to use ICT revolutionize agribusiness in Ghana

Obvious attempts by the Lawyers of the Electoral Commission to justify the widespread occurrence of voting without biometric verification, earlier today, backfired badly as the main witness for the petitioners, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, proved that the apparent justification could not stand the test of the facts behind the case.

On his second day of cross examining Dr. Bawumia, Counsel Quarshie-Idun sought to rationalize the occurrence of voting without biometric verification by suggesting that the law and reality meant that certain persons like the disabled were exempt from biometric verification. This ostensibly was to pave way for the EC to justify the over 535,000 people who according to evidence on the face of the pink sheets were allowed to vote across the country without going through biometric verification.

Read more: GH: EC attempt to justify voting without biometric verification backfires

The Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning will very soon start a nation-wide mop-up biometric registration exercise of public sector employees.

The exercise, which is scheduled to begin anytime within this third quarter of the year will capture those public sector employees who could not be registered during the main biometric registration exercise carried out by the Ministry last year.

Read more: GH: Mop-up biometric registration exercise for government workers

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