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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Mrs Matilda Amissah Arthur, wife of the Vice President, on Saturday said the free computer scheme for schools was to assist in training well-rounded students who would be able to run the emerging knowledge-based economy of the country.

She was speaking at the Sixth Congregation of the Holy Child College of Education at Takoradi.

Some 185 students who completed courses in Basic Education and Early Childhood Education in 2012 were presented with diplomas at the congregation.

Read more: ICT needed in Ghana’s knowledge economy – Second Lady

It’s been barely 10 days since the first election with biometric verification came to an end. So far, we have enjoyed peace though there have been a few issues relating to the acceptance of the results by the minority party. This article, however, is not to debate on the results but to take a technological peep into the whole electoral process which has widely come to be known as the first biometric election in the world. Some say otherwise, though.

A few weeks to the Ghana biometric elections, I had the rarest privilege of working at the warehouse where the biometric devices were being assembled. Please don’t ask me how. It was a great experience, getting to work on the devices, sieving the malfunctioning ones, etc. Honestly, I was surprised to hear in the media that some of the devices had stopped working. They felt robust at the warehouse. But as you may already know, machines are machines.

Read more: A technological peep into Ghana’s biometric elections

Dr Edward Omane Boamah, the Minister of Communications, said on Tuesday the government would in two years distribute 400,000 laptops to schools and students to help empower students in Information and Communication Technology (ICT).

Dr Boamah said this at the 5th ICT Conference of the Catholic Relief Services (CRS) in Accra on Tuesday.

The three day conference is on the theme: "Mobile Service that empowers vulnerable communities" and 350 participants from five continents were taking part in the conference.

Read more: GH: Government to distribute 400,000 laptops to schools and students

Mr Kwesi Ahwoi, Minister of the Interior on Wednesday urged the Chief Fire Officer to develop more training programmes that will embrace ICT systems in firefighting.

Mr Ahwoi made the suggestion at the Ghana National Fire Service (GNFS) passing-out parade of Recruit Course 46 at the Fire Academy and Training School (FATS) in Accra.

He said this will enable firefighting to attain a high level of sophistication and advanced technology in fighting and detecting fire outbreaks in the country.

Read more: Ghana Fire Service asked to use ICT systems in firefighting

The local subsidiary of a leading Chinese telecommunications equipment manufacturer, Huawei Technologies (GH) S.A. Limited, has been chosen as the implementing contractor for section one of the second phase of the e-government project.

The project, which envisages the complete computerisation and rollout of online information technology-enabled services to all public sector agencies, will be executed on turn-key basis to the government of Ghana.

Read more: GH: Huawei to implement part of e-gov project

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