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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Ashanti Regional Minister, Mr Eric Opoku, has reiterated government's commitment to promoting ICT education in Ghana.

He said government had embarked on several initiatives including free distribution of laptop computers to basic and tertiary students and personal computers and accessories under the e-government ICT project.

Mr Opoku said these were aimed at increasing access to ICT infrastructure and services in both urban and rural as well as deprived areas.

The regional minister said that in a speech read on his behalf by his Deputy Mr Samuel Adusei on the occasion of the 53rd anniversary and speech and prize - giving day ceremony of the Yaa Asantewaah Girls' Senior High School in Kumasi over the weekend.

The 53rd anniversary was on the theme: "Empowering Girls through ICT".

Mr Opoku said the significance of ICT in the scheme of things of nation building and the role of women in the accelerated development of modern states especially developing countries such as Ghana could not be overstated.

Madam Dorothy Gordon at the Ghana -India Kofi Annan ICT Centre in Accra encouraged women to embark on careers in ICT.

The headmistress of the school, Mrs Elizabeth Malik Jabir, in her welcome address said the school was doing very well academically.

She also said the school was engaged in some renovations and projects with internally generated funds.

The wife of the Asantehene, Lady Julia Osei Tutu graced the occasion as the special guest of honor.


Quelle/Source: AllAfrica, 13.02.2014

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