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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Savana Signatures, a non-governmental organization, using Information Communication Technology (ICT) for development, has presented two computers and accessories to the Education Directorate of the Sagnarigu District Assembly.

Mr John Steven Agbenyo, Executive Director of the NGO who presented the computers in Tamale, said his outfit gave basic ICT training to the staff of the Assembly to enable them perform their duties efficiently.

He said the donation was based on request from the directorate, and because the district was newly created, it lacked several resources and tools to enhance its development, hence the donation.

Mr Agbenyo said funding has been secured to increase the number of schools benefiting from its Integration of ICT in education project, and that 10 more schools had been added to the existing five where many pupils were gaining knowledge from ICT.

Hajia Mase Sulemana, Deputy Director for Finance and Administration at the Sagnarigu District Education Directorate commended the Savana Signatures for the training and the donation, stressing that it would improve efficiency at the work place.

She said the district had been operating without computers, and gave the assurance that the computers would be used judiciously not only to prolong their long life span, but to also improve the falling standards of education in the district.


Quelle/Source: BusinessGhana, 15.02.2014

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