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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Civil Servants are an important element in the nation's success. The human resource is seen as the pulse of the Civil Service sector, which has a long-term value as a generator, Connector, mover and coordinator towards services and other assets in providing a more efficient, effective and customer friendly services.

The Permanent Secretary at the Prime Minister's Office, Pengiran Dato Paduka Haji Ismail bin Pg Hj Mohamed, said this at the Tutong District Level 15th Civil Service Day celebration, held at Tutong Community Hall, in the Tutong District.

Read more: Brunei: Approval Made Easy With Online System

While the country has made great strides in the development and implementation of Brunei's e-Government, it was revealed yesterday that a 2006 e-Government Implementation Review found the e-Government target to be "over ambitious".

In the second session of the THiNKBIG National Technology Forum, Pg Dato Paduka Haji Ismail bin Pg I fall Mohamed, Government CIO and Permanent Secretary at the Prime Minister's Office, addressed over 200 participants on "Brunei's e-Government: Implementing the National Plan" describing the Brunei government's vision and direction on ICT.

Read more: Brunei: E-Govt Target ‘Over Ambitious’

One of the main constraints impeding strategic management of public servants in the Sultanate is the lack of systematic collection and analysis of data on the quantity and performance of human resources.

This was stated by the Director of the Civil Service Institute of the Prime Minister's Office, Hj Junaidi bin Hj Omar at a Human Resources Compendium yesterday, organised to set out a human resources compendium of best practices in Brunei Darussalam.

Read more: Brunei: Civil Service to set HR best practices for Sultanate

The Ministry of Education (MOE) yesterday launched the MoE Enterprise Service Portal at the ministry's main hall in Berakas.

The guest of honour was Datin Paduka Dayang Hjh Apsah bte Hj Abdul Majid, Permanent Secretary (Core Education) at the Ministry of Education.

The MoE Enterprise Service Portal or MoE Portal is the online web portal that can be used to access all of the ministry's information, applications and services.

Read more: Brunei : Ministry of Education launches online web portal

It's not so easy for a prisoner to jail break now and make a fast get-away by hoodwinking prison authorities.

A new e-government project has introduced to the prisons department a new tracking system with the aid of which a tagged prisoner can easily be located.

The tags, which are a first for Brunei inmates are called Radio Frequency Identifications (RFID). They are tamper proof and cannot be removed without the control area/station's knowledge.

Read more: Brunei: Prisoners Will Be Tagged

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