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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Defence Ministry and the Royal Brunei Armed Forces announced yesterday the commissioning of the Defence Personnel Administration Information System (DefPAIS) in an official ceremony held at the Pahlawan Hall in Berakas Garrison.

The DefPAIS, which is by far the largest IT initiative of the Ministry, marked another achievement in the realisation and implementation of MinDef Mission towards cultivating advancement in Information Technology. The guest of honour was the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Defence, Dato Paduka Haji Abdul Majid bin Mangarshah.

Read more: Brunei: Ministry Of Defence & RBAF Lauch DefPAIS

The opening ceremony for the 12th Executive Development Programme for Senior Government Officers took place yesterday at Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD) and was officiated by the Vice-Chancellor of UBD, Dato Paduka Dr Awang Haji Ismail bin Haji Duraman, who was the guest of honour at the event.

This is the 12th time the executive development programme has been offered to selected senior government officers from the Brunei Public Service.

Read more: Brunei: Improving Public Service Through Proper Training

The deputy Minister at the Prime Minister's Office foresees closer cooperation between the public and private sectors in managing national development programmes.

There will be a different pattern of ownership and a different pattern of funding for projects, said Dato Seri Paduka Eussoff Agaki Hj Ismail during yesterday's Brunei Economic Development Board (BEDB) Stakeholders Forum.

Read more: Brunaie: Closer Private, Public Sector Ties Seen In Development Projects

E-Lifestyle is not just about Web social chatting and e-mailing, says an official of E-Prime Networks, a local IT services company that is in the forefront of efforts to promote IT awareness and readiness ventures in Brunei.

"People here tend to think they (already) have e-lifestyle but actually ... it is not (about chatting and exchanging e-mails)," says Thin C Hoe, chief executive officer of E-Prime Networks.

Read more: Brunei: Pushing The IT Envelope

Issues related to Brunei Darussalam's e-Government initiative were discussed during the first day of the International Conference on Business and Management at UBD yesterday.

According to a paper by UBD lecturers from the Faculty of Business, Economics and Policy Studies, Dr Patrick Low Kim Cheng, Dr Mohammad Nabil Almunawar and Dr Fadzliwati Mohiddin, e-Government may imply a restructuring and reengineering of government business processes.

Read more: Brunei's E-Govt Issues Highlighted At Conference

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