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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Defence Ministry and the Royal Brunei Armed Forces announced yesterday the commissioning of the Defence Personnel Administration Information System (DefPAIS) in an official ceremony held at the Pahlawan Hall in Berakas Garrison.

The DefPAIS, which is by far the largest IT initiative of the Ministry, marked another achievement in the realisation and implementation of MinDef Mission towards cultivating advancement in Information Technology. The guest of honour was the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Defence, Dato Paduka Haji Abdul Majid bin Mangarshah.

This project includes the implementation of two applications and network infrastructure. These applications are Human Resources Management Information System (HRMIS) and Electronic Documentation Management System (EDMS). Both systems change the manual processes of updating personnel information data and documentation through the use of automated processes.

Online leave application allows personnel to apply vacation leaves online and perform functions like approval or rejection of leave applications. Personnel can also retrieve their appraisals online and chiefs may evaluate their subordinates online. Generation of reports, digitalisation of personnel records, online administration of training courses, enhanced business processes through workflows and online collaboration are likewise doable in the new system.

With the commencement of this project, workshops were conducted to understand RBAF business processes in order to develop a system that meets the requirements of its Human Resource office. The project was completed on November 14, 2007.

The benefits and opportunities brought by the new systems are enormous and cannot be fully realised without the strong commitment from all personnel. IT is a powerful tool that can help increase productivity and improve the quality of work. A culture to be developed not only applicable amongst top level officers but to all levels of officers and personnel.

In support of this transformation, the Ministry of Defence is continuously gauging its capacity and capabilities to strategically plan some means to achieve its ICT goals, to explore innovative work, evaluating and monitoring its project planning and implementation of projects, and reviewing its strategies to meet the evolutionary demands and directives.

The Ministry of Defence has taken all the necessary planning to streamline Continuous Professional Development, because highly trained and qualified personnel are `part and parcel' of ensuring quality services and successful implementation of projects.

The Ministry of Defence and ATB Technologies Sdn Bhd, Singapore Computer Systems Ltd signed the DefPAIS project contract on October 20, 2005 in Brunei.

Towards the end of the ceremony, the guest of honour presented certificates of appreciation to DefPAIS Trainers and Consultants.

Director of Personnel at the Ministry of Defence, Colonel Pengiran Zulkifli bin Pengiran Hj Ismail said in his speech that in order to survive and strive in the technology arena one requires full commitment to the ICT goals. The Ministry of Defence, he said is fully committed and strongly supports Human Resource - ICT Partnership.

"We are fully committed and we strongly support ICT development as envisioned by His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan Negara Brunei Darussalam, with the establishment of a National IT Strategic Plan (IT2000 and beyond) that focuses on three strategies; Paper-less Society (e-Brunei), Public Sector drive towards e-Government (e-Government) and Private Sector drive towards e-Business (e-Business)," he said.

"Towards this we now have operationalised an effective and efficient Administrative System called DefPAIS that incorporates Human Resource Management Information System and Electronic Document Management System or EDMS," he added.

The benefits of ICT systems, he stated, cannot be realised without utilising its full potential and without the end-users with the necessary skills to run it.

"In this regard, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, General Hj Al-Muhtadee Billah. Senior Minister at the Prime Minister's Office had suggested that the development of ICT skills become part of the work culture amongst top level officers, which I am sure is a culture to be developed not only amongst top level officers but applies to all levels of officers and personnel," he said.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Azaraimy HH

Quelle/Source: Brunei Direct, 25.01.2008

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