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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Poor security in cyberspace is among reasons that may deter Bruneians and residents from making use of e-government services in the Sultanate, findings of the E-Government Citizen Survey showed.

Almost seven (or 67 per cent) in every 10 of the nearly 1,500 respondents said that the risks associated with access to sensitive personal details by non-authorised persons and cyber crimes may affect their willingness to use e-government services in Brunei.

Read more: Brunei: Cyber Security Tops List Of Risks For Use Of E-Govt

The response received in the e-Government Citizen Survey shows an average of 64 percent of the Brunei Darussalam citizens spend more than 5 hours 'online' a week. Aside from that, 85 percent of the respondents can access the internet from home, mobile phones and workplace. The survey is an initiative of the Prime Minister's Office through the e-Government National Centre, to involve the public in carrying out the e-government programme in the country.

The ceremony to present prizes to Lucky Draw winners and certificate of appreciation in conjunction with the e-Government Survey, took place this morning. The prizes and certificates were presented by the Acting Director of the e-Government National Centre, Hajah Mariah binti Haji Mohamad Taha. A total of 1 thousand 456 participants were eligible for the lucky draw.

Read more: Brunei: e-Government Survey

In a bid to improve public management within Brunei Darussalam, the Institute for Leadership, Innovation & Advancement (ILIA), Universiti Brunei Darussalam, will be conducting regional study missions to Singapore as part of the curriculum for the Executive Development Programme for Senior Government Officers (EDPSGO) for 2010.

Twenty-seven participants comprising senior government officers left for Singapore yesterday for the five-day study mission. According to a press release from the Singapore High Commission, the Bruneian officers will be briefed by the relevant Singapore agencies on various topics such as the changing landscape in education and healthcare, e-Government, human resource management within the public service, public-private partnership, urban planning and development, environmental protection and sustainable development, and new strategies to cope with an ageing population.

Read more: Senior Brunei Government Officers On Study Visit To Singapore

The ICT cooperation between India and Brunei Darussalam has moved into high gear with the return from India of a 19-member Bruneian delegation comprising different stakeholders, after studying the subcontinents e-government measures and how they can help Brunei's vision of an e-government.

Speaking to The Brunei Times at a dinner hosted by Indian High Commissioner Riewad Warjri last night, Minister of Communications Pehin Orang Kaya Seri Kerma Data Seri Setia Hj Abu Bakar Hj Apong said the progress in the ICT sector between the two countries was the outcome of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed during His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam's visit to India in 2008.

Read more: India, Brunei ICT Tie-Up Picks Up Momentum

The Department of Community Development, under the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports (MCYS), has hired IT firm Oakchem Sdn Bhd to help the department streamline its business process as part of its e-community drive.

A The department yesterday signed a contract with Oakchem for the firm to review the department’s business processes and streamline application procedures for a more efficient and transparent processing system. “Phase One of the Department’s e-community initiative … (will) streamline the department’s business process … making the work of the officers more effective and efficient, with a holistic view on the information pertaining to customers,” a statement said.


Read more: Brunei: Govt hires IT firm to help with e-community drive

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