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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The renewal of road licences online is at present not available through the Malta Transport Authority’s website, because this site does not link up with the site to process these applications.

The Malta Independent last week reported that more than a quarter of the road licences which had to be renewed in November and which did not need a VRT certificate, had been renewed online, through the online renewal facility offered by the Malta Transport Authority.

Read more: Malta: Broken link blamed for online licence renewal unavailability

Advances in technology are opening up a new world of possibilities in the E-Commerce and Internet world. They are unleashing the potential of mobile connectivity in the commercial and public sectors. The result will be a new age of mobile and consumer electronics appliances in the form of multifunctional gadgets which deliver anytime, anywhere operation in true WI-FI connectivity. The new digital world of convergence will be driven by increasing speed and adhering to the highest standards which follow the millions of euros invested annually in R&D.

Read more: Malta: Combating the silo mentality

Over the past few years, local government has changed a great deal and had to face up to new challenges. This has included initiatives such as: best value, community planning, new political management structures, partnerships, e-government and waste management. The main objectives are to have a stronger community, better leadership skills, continuous improvement, modernisation of administrative and financial systems and also for a more effective central/local government partnership. It is imperative that both the central and local government recruit new young people if we are to start meeting the challenges of the modernisation agenda.

Read more: Malta: Putting quality into local councils

Quoting studies by the National Statistics Office, the Ministry for Investment, Industry and Information Technology (MITI), said that the government programs to eliminate the digital divide have substantially progressed during last year.

In a press statement, the Ministry said that the HelloIT program has considerably decreased computer and software prices, making them more accessible to a larger public.

Read more: Malta: Digital divide on the decline - IT Ministry

Investment, Industry and Information Technology Minister Austin Gatt speaks at last week’s mGovernment conference on applications and benefits of wireless technology in London.

Following are extracts from his speech, in which he outlines the high use of SMS in Malta and its significance for e- and m-Government channels.

Read more: Malta at the eGovernment crossroads

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