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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The 21st December is the Deadline for Taxpayers to file their Provisional Tax/Social Security Contributions forms for the period September to December 2004.

Taxpayers who send their PT/SSC Form by the 21st December will avoid paying 1% interest and/or 1% additional contribution per month. Cash Office Opening Hours 14th -- 21st December 2004

The Department of Inland Revenue is supporting Taxpayers by opening the Cash Office, both at Floriana, Malta and Rabat, Gozo between 8.00am and 4.00pm from the 14th -- 21st December. On Saturday 18th December 2004, the Cash Office both in Floriana and Rabat, Gozo will be open between 8.00am and 1.00pm.

On-Line Payments over the Internet from

As part of the e-Government project, Provisional Tax Payments and Social Security Contributions due to the Department of Inland Revenue by individual taxpayers may be paid on-line over the internet through the Inland Revenue website at

This service ensures that individual customers (not companies) now have the added facility of paying on-line using a credit card or debit card. This facility utilizes the electronic Payment Gateway (ePG) implemented by Government, which had in-built security features that safeguard the confidentiality of the personal information as well as the details of the credit/debit card used for payments.

The ePG currently accepts the following cards -- VISA, Mastercard, and Bank of Valletta Cashlink Card.

Customers using this service who provide an e-mail address will be notified by e-mail with the details of the payment effected and the transaction reference. A formal receipt by the normal postal service will also be sent.

To effect payment customers have to access the Inland Revenue website and go to the On-Line Payment Page. Then one has to key in the "Payment Reference", which is printed on the Provisional Tax Payment Form in the appropriate field and carry on from there.

After effecting payment a transaction reference will be given. This must be quoted in the future if any queries arise.

Such a system ensures that one does not make mistakes in the inputting of information. The Department of Inland Revenue encourages the use of this service as it saves time and other resources.

Assistance to Taxpayers in filling in the Provisional Tax & Social Security Contributions Form

Taxpayers who require help to fill in their Provisional Tax & Social Security Contributions Form can obtain assistance from the Taxpayer Service in Floriana, Malta or Rabat, Gozo.

Payments by Employers -- 31st December 2004

All those employers who have not yet remitted to the Department of Inland Revenue the Tax and Social Security Contributions withheld from the pay of their employees are to remit these amounts to the Department by not later than 31st December 2004.

Employers who have not yet paid, or who do not make arrangements with the Department by this date, as to how these payments will be made, will incur the full prescribed additional taxes.

In case of further difficulty one can phone the Department of Inland Revenue on tel: 2296 2575 or Freephone 8007 2297.

The Department of Inland Revenue website at can be consulted for further information.

Quelle: di-ve, 10.12.2004

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