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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Hong Kong has made great strides on the road to becoming an e-business community and a digital city, said Alan Wong Chi-kong, director of Information Technology Services Wednesday.

Wong made the remarks while reviewing Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government's recent information technology (IT) measures in a speech to the 9th Joint International Computer Conference in Zhuhai.

Read more: Hong Kong strives to build digital city

The Ministry of Public Security will initiate the project of Chinese citizen's new ID cards, which will change the present common ID card into the ID card containing a piece of IC card. The new ID card can store up more personal information and will be more difficult to forge.

Read more: China's new smart ID card to be put into use next year

Shanghai government website,, is offering a wider variety of services and responding to people's quests faster to step up its efforts toward buidling a functional government online.

Read more: China: Shanghai progresses with an efficient e-government

Deepening the reform of the administrative management system and improving the economic legal system have been listed among the main tasks of improving China's socialist market economic system.

Read more: China: CPC decision on deepening reform of administrative management system

Vergangene Woche wurde in Peking das Source Code Browsing Lab gegründet, eine Abteilung des China Testing and Certification Center for Information Security Products. Microsoft hat kurz darauf als erstes kommerzielles Softwareunternehmen mit der chinesischen Regierung eine Vereinbarung unterzeichnet, nach der im neuen Software-Labor das Betriebssystem der Redmonder unter die Lupe genommen werden soll, berichtet die chinesische Zeitung People's Daily. Das Labor steht auch anderen Unternehmen offen, heißt es.

Read more: China nimmt Windows unter die Lupe

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