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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Deepening the reform of the administrative management system and improving the economic legal system have been listed among the main tasks of improving China's socialist market economic system. According to a decision covering the improvement of the socialist market economic system made at the Third Plenary Sessionthe 16th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), which was held in Beijing from Oct. 11 to 14, China will further adjust the establishment of government organs of various levels and straighten out functions of different government organs to legalize the functions and responsibilities of governments, government organizations and the size of government bodies.

  The decision stresses conducting administration according to law and urges government organs and staff to exercise power and fulfill their duties strictly in accordance with the stipulations of laws.

  The decision, made public on Tuesday, also calls for the development of e-government to improve services and management levels. It also calls for the establishment of an early-warning and emergency response mechanism to improve the government's capabilities to meet challenges brought about by sudden incidents and risks.

  Efforts will be made to deepen the reform of local administrative management systems and to cut the size of local governments and reduce the staff, the decision said.

  The rights of the central government and local governments willbe defined to conduct economic adjustment, market supervision and management, social management and public services.

  The fields of finance and taxation, investment and social security, national affairs and trans-provincial affairs will be managed by the central government for the purpose of guaranteeing the unity of the state legal system, unity of policies and orders,and unity of market, according to the decision.

  Local affairs will be managed by local governments to improve the work efficiency, reduce cost of management and enhance administrative vitality.

  Regarding affairs that are under the common management of the central and local governments, the central and local governments will fulfill their respective responsibilities accordingly.

  Building of an economic legal system and economic legislature will be put forward in an all-around way. The legal system regarding key market players and intermediary organizations will be improved for the purpose of giving full play to the ability of various key market players.

  The legal system of property rights will be improved for the purpose of standardizing and straightening out property rights relations and protecting the rights and interests of various property rights.

  Efforts will be made to improve the legal system regarding market dealings to guarantee free contracts and safety of dealingsand to safeguard fair competition on the market.

  Efforts will also be made to improve laws and regulations on budget, taxation, finance and investment, labor, employment and social security, and laws and regulations in the social sector andon sustainable development, to promote economic development and social progress in an all-around way.

  The decision also calls for intensified efforts to enhance the explanation of laws and regulations and law enforcement, and to improve administrative law-enforcement, judicial adjudgement and procuratorial work, so as to guarantee the effective implementation of laws and regulations, and to safeguard the unityand dignity of the legal system.

  A forceful law-enforcement system will be built to prevent and correct local protectionism and selfish departmentalism, the decision said.

  It noted that reform of the legal system will be further pushedforward and the justice of the legal system will be safeguarded. It also stressed enforcing the law as it is written, just law-enforcement and enforcing law with civility.

Quelle: Xinhua, 21.10.2003

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